HAT Relational Database Support
Because high-throughput analysis generates so much data, HAT includes comprehensive relational database support. Everything -- image processing parameters, file names and locations, processed data, trajectories, images, movies -- is in the database or referenced by it. To access the data easily and conveniently, you can use your favorite program, such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Igor Pro, Matlab, Mathematica, to interface with the SQL database and download processed data in the form that you like, whether it is spreadsheets with columns, waves, matrices or lists. Use HAT's own mathematical image processing libraries and trajectory analysis algorithms for rapid calculations of average image intensity, line scans, pixel time courses, velocity power spectra and more. Use simple, English-language-like queries to sort, filter and select data. No more hours of cutting and pasting in spreadsheets, or shuffling files -- with a single query you can tally statistics across an entire population, group into sub-populations, and more, using the power of relational databases. Go from collecting data to journal-ready figures in minutes.
Figure 3. View of a relational database table generated by HAT of 7902 bacteria from 41 slides, using Microsoft Access. Each row represents one bacterium. Each bacterium is assigned an unique identification number (ID). Several statistics are automatically entered into the table, including number of points in the track (NPoints), the average speed in microns/sec of the bacterium over the duration of the recording (AverageSpeedMicrons), the standard deviation of the variation in speed (SpeedSDMicrons), the total path length traveled (TotalDistanceMicrons), the average angular velocity in degrees/sec (AngVelAvgDegSec), the forward component of average velocity (ForwardSpeedMicrons), the lateral component of average velocity (Lateral Speed Microns). Over 40 more parameters, including the peak frequency and strength of the velocity power spectrum, particle length and width, experiment date and time, and more, are not shown.
HAT Relational Database Support