Typical HAT output
If you want to track and simultaneously image hundreds or thousands of particles at nanometer resolution, the HAT module is for you. Faster than typical manual or semi-automated tracking modules, HAT is an automated tool that turns image stacks into x-y trajectories and movies with minimal user input. View results quickly using QuickTime or Microsoft AVI movies. No more long hours of mouse clicking or cropping movies -- HAT does this quickly and automatically.
Figure 1: QuickTime movies of the actin based movement of Listeria monocytogenes in Xenopus frog cell extract. GFP labeled bacterial signal is pseudocolored in green, rhodamine-actin signal is pseudocolored in red. Bacteria are centered and aligned using threshold and centroid calculation algorithms. Crosses represent bacterial trajectory ten frames in the future, and ten frames in the past. The virtual camera moves along with the bacterium so that everything remains centered and in the bacterial frame of reference.