Facilities and Locations


Ford Center and ACSR on Campus

The Stanford Taekwondo club trains on campus, primarily in the Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation (ACSR). We also host events in the Ford Center, such as our Pac-West matches and junior scrimmages. Parking is generally not a problem, which can be found along Galvez St, although it can be a bit tough on Saturdays with home football games. Click here if you need directions to ACSR.

Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation

acsrpicOur primary training facility is the workout studio in the Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation (ACSR) located at 341 Galvez St, Stanford, CA, 94305. Other Taekwondo events, such as the Junior Scrimmage, are also hosted here. The ACSR was built in 2005 and also includes a weight room, climbing wall, fencing practice area, and basketball and squash courts. We share our studio space with the Judo club as well as PE classes, such as yoga and pilates that need a padded floor. Shoes of any kind, including taekwondo shoes, are prohibited in the ACSR studio.

Ford Center

fordpicPoomsae seminars are hosted at the Ford Center, located directly across from the ACSR. Taekwondo matches for the Pac-West conference are also held in the same building in Burnham Pavilion, where the Taekwondo team competes against those from other Pac-West schools. The Ford Center also houses the workout facilities for the gymnastics, volleyball and crew teams, as well as recreational basketball. For information on upcoming matches and seminars, please check the Calendar page.

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