Culture and Content
Kenji Hakuta (
Albert Lozano (
Technology Specialist: Teresa Cameron (
This course has
three objectives:
(1) to supplement
last quarter's coverage of ESL teaching with additional focus on issues
of reading and writing [Weeks 1-3,
see attached webpage for further instructions];
(2) to provide a framework for developing and observing sheltered instruction,
or SDAIE methodology [Weeks 4-8]; and
(3) to cover issues related to relevant student cultural background [Weeks
7, 9].
We are currently taking
a poll of students to see how many on-site classes to have. Minimally,
we have reserved Weeks 3, 4, and 10 to be face-to-face meetings.
We are once again
making use of Teachscape materials and services. During Weeks 1-3, we
will be looking into the case, Reading and Writing for English Language
Learners. Unlike last quarter, however, we will begin by providing
students with an opportunity to explore around the various features and
pockets of information within the case, and to have some choice in the
activities they choose to do.
On Week 3, we will
also introduce students the opportunity to be trained in creating a web
page (an important 21st century literacy skill) and to start the Culture
Coverage of Sheltered
Instruction will be facilitated by the use of Teachscape cases once again.
The specific framework we will be using in this course, the SIOP Model
(Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) will be used to analyze the
ways in which two different content teachers approach the instruction
of English learners. One case covers science on the topic of density;
the other case involves the teaching of probability and statistics. You
will be asked to choose one of these for your analysis, which will be
done during Weeks 5-7. After you have done so, on Week 8, you will be
asked to look at the analyses of the one that you did not do, and to offer
peer commentary on it.
During Week 9, you
will be asked to explore the Culture Gallery -- the web pages created
by the class, which we will post -- and to offer commentary on the content.
Week 10 will be an
on-site class where we will review the content of the entire three-course
sequence. It will also be an opportunity to have a "graduation"
ceremony and party.
Required Course
J. Echevarria, M.
Vogt, & D. Short, Making Content Comprehensible for English Language
Learners: The SIOP Model. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Click
here for Amazon link.
Week 1: Tuesday,
April 2:
Exploring Teachscape Case: Reading and Writing for English Language
Brown, Chapters 18 & 19. [Click
here for weeks 1-3 webpage for detailed assignment.] |
2: Tuesday, April 9:
Threaded discussion of Selected Activities from Reading and Writing
for English Language Learners. |
Brown, Chapters 18 & 19. |
3: Tuesday, April 16: On-site 4:00 - 6:00
Writer's Workshop. (Guest Lecturer: Lydia Stack). |
Week 4: Tuesday,
April 23: On-site 4:00 - 7:00 (last hour web page
class optional -- Balboa HS, room 128)
1.Sheltered Instruction / SIOP Model (Guest Lecturer: George Bunch).
Page Design (Hands-on training for later culture component of the
Read by class
time: Echevarria et al, Chapters 1, 2 and Appendix A & B.
Assignment (to be completed by May 27).
5: Tuesday, April 30:
Applying SIOP to Teachscape Videos:
1.Data Analysis and Probability: Measures of Center OR
2.Investigating Density. |
Carefully watch
each of the video chapters from the case that you have selected
to analyze using the SIOP framework. It is advised that you "browse
through" the videos before doing this week's reading, and then
go back and selectively watch the videos again after the readings.
You may want to do this with a fellow classmate or a colleague.
This week, apply
SIOP Model, Chapter 2 (Indicators of Lesson Preparation) to the
video. We will have specific topic areas for each corresponding
chapter. Rate the case using the SIOP framework for each specific
question, then below provide a descriptive analysis of how you came
to your conclusions. Post your evaluation under appropriate
topic heading --
Analysis - Week 5 or Investigating
Density - Week 5 -- by Tuesday, April 30th.
Respond with comments on your colleagues ratings by Friday,
May 3rd.
Example of
your analysis -
SUBJECT HEADING: DA-Ch.2 Indicators of Lesson Preparation
Clearly defined content objectives for students 3
Clearly defined language objectives for students 1
Content concepts appropriate for age and educational background
of students 5
Supplementary materials used to a high degree 1
Adaptation of content (e.g., text, assignment) to all levels of
student proficiency n/a
Meaningful activities that integrate lesson concepts 2
I feel (Mrs. Sahakian / Mrs. Kell) did a good job of building
prior knowledge though pre-reading activities, but did not address
students varying levels of reading proficiency [you, of
course, will present a much more in-depth analysis].
6: Tuesday, May 7:
Continued Application of SIOP to the Case of Your Choice. |
week, apply the SIOP Model in Chapter 3 (Building Background) &
Chapter 4 (Comprehensible Input). Post your evaluation by Tuesday,
May 7th.
Respond with comments on your colleagues' ratings by Friday, May
10th. |
7: Tuesday, May 14:
Continued Application of SIOP to the Case of Your Choice. And, discuss
Student Cultural Background in SIOP. |
week, apply the SIOP Model in Chapter 6 (Interaction), Chapter 7 (Practice/Application),
& Chapter 8 (Lesson Delivery). Post your evaluation by Tuesday,
May 14th. Respond with comments on your colleagues' ratings by
Friday, May 17h.
in group discussion threads under Data
Analysis - Culture and Investigating
Density - Culture in which you discuss the extent to
which the case incorporated student culture, and things that the
teacher could have done to further incorporate student culture into
her teaching.
8: Tuesday, May 21:
Comparison of TS Density and TS Data Analysis. |
The purpose
of this week is to do a cross-case analysis, by watching the video
of the case you did not analyze, and by reading the evaluations
of that case by members of the class who were part of that "other"
discussion. Watch that video (i.e., if you did Density, view Data
Analysis and vice versa). Then go and read the discussions from
Weeks 5, 6, and 7 by the other group. At the end of each of these
threads, provide relevant commentary and/or perspective from the
case in which you did the analysis.
9: Tuesday, May 28:
On-line Gallery on Culture. |
Complete webpages.
View and comment on peer sites. |
10: Tuesday, June 4: On-Site 4:00 - 6:00
Wrap-up for the Year. |