The People of El Salvador

Role of Women:
  • 65% of women work in the informal economy selling fruit and making pupusas on the street generally earning less than men.
  • About 85% -90% of the work force in maquiladoras are women few holding management positions.
  • Nearly 30% of the country’s doctors and lawyers are women and even a higher in dentistry and High School teachers.
  • Approximately 33% of the municipal council and 10% of the National Assembly are women.
  • Domestic and treatment of women as second-class citizens continues to be a particular problem in El Salvador. Sexual Assault reports have increased (due to criminal procedures code of 1998).
  • The Civil War impacted women dramatically- loss of husbands and sons forced women to find ways to maintain their families.
  • Men had a new found respect for women who fought in the war.
  • Public hospitals still refuse to perform abortions.
  • The pill is the most commonly used contraceptive.
  • Women rights seem on the rise, but article 182 states that a wife is required to be obedient and he is required to protect her.
  • La familia often includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
  • Families are sometimes destroyed due to immigration patterns.
  • Women form the backbone of the Central American family.
  • Here in the U.S. families suffer because they must deal with economic issues, deal with loss of family and some are still dealing with the trauma of a decade-long Civil War.
  • In order to survive Salvadorans are often forced to accept all kinds of work.
  • For Salvadorans, U.S. life is both a blessing and a curse (www.
  • 80% of the population is Catholic
  • Liberation theology took an important role during the Civil War encouraging people to seek justice.
    Economic Statistics
  • Gross Domestic Product- 12.4
  • Employment sectors:
    Agriculture- 25%
    Commerce- 22%
    Services- 21%
    Manufacturing- 19%
    Construction- 7%
    Other- 6%
  • Unemployment rate: 8%
  • Underemployment rate: 30%
  • Minimum wage: $3.67
  • Exports: 2.5 billion primarily in coffee,sugar, textiles, and shrimp.