Final Project
Choice 2: Thematic Unit Project
The project requires that you choose a theme, select two texts (oral, pictorial, written, etc.) that are connected by a common topic. Your project should include:
a. a description of the context for which you are planning the unit (e.g. subject matter, grade, who are the students, their command of English as a second language, cognitive levels. cultural similarities and differences, academic preparation, experiential background, etc.)
b. a discussion of the process involved in selecting content and topics (ELD standards, subject matter standards, linguistic considerations, key questions, conceptual and academic goals, relevant research -please use readings as sources-, personal philosophies, etc.
c. a discussion of the criteria used for the selection of texts
d. The design, sequencing, and objectives of tasks included (how does the task scaffold for English learners' conceptual, academic, or linguistic competence) We suggest you include activities that: -prepare learners (help them focus, create a purpose, activate prior knowledge, introduce key concepts, etc) -get learners to "play with the text" (familiarize themselves with it, deconstruct and reconstruct it, etc.) - help learners make authentic use of the language and ideas learned from the text (application, extension, creativity)
e. An explanation of how this unit may be adapted to meet the needs of a student population different than the one for which you targeted your proposal.
f. Specific suggestions for possible modifications which will make your unit work in case of unexpected events (e.g. arrival of a new student, three key students absent from class that day, etc.)
g. Bibliographical support for your contextual analysis and for the pedagogical proposal.
Projects may be developed by individuals or in dyads. Two students may work together if they have the same subject matter specialization, if they contact us beforehand, and have complied with course guidelines for dual authorship. During the development of the unit it is absolutely necessary that you meet with Aida to discuss your progress and concerns.
(Prepared by Aida Walqui)