Ignatius Favorites

Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Fine British detachment on the subject of ancient carastrophes.

Catastrophism: The emerging science of origins. Ted Holden's Catastrophism Web site. When people as smart and funny as Holden are attacking evolution, something has to be up.

ABOB's Page or: Comets, Culture, & Currency. Bob Kobres' thoughts on the Bronze Age are a must.

Donnelly from Abroad Viewers accustomed to the American curriculum on European culture will find this German commentary on the role of Donnelly's catastrophism in late nineteenth century history an interesting refraction on both American life and the contemporary European world view.

Catastrophism Pib Burns' thoughts on Catastrophism and a rich collection of interests on related subjects are worth a thoughtful visit.

Bell and Walker, Late Quaternary Environmental Change. The best book summary of neolithic geography, climatology, archaeology. Wonderful insights into long term relations with the biosphere by two professors from Wales.