20 June
In the name of God Amen. The Twentieth Day of June in the Year of Oure Lord God one Thousand Seven Hundrd fifty and one. I, Darmod O Sullivane Mcffinin duff of Dirrenavirrig in the County of Kerry gent, being sick and weake in Boddy but of good and perfect Memory thanks to Almighty God etc. ..
. I doe will, order, and bequeath, unto My grandaughter Nanney O Sulliv[an] the Number of Cattle hereafter Mentiond viz thirtey incalfe cowes and strapers; Ten Shanafighs; thirty carteases Irish gearransm and yearlings; Eight Mares and garrens; as her part and proportion proveded She Marries with the Consent of her parents and friends else to be allowed and paid her and English Shilling onely.
---Last Will and Testament of Dermot Mac Finin Duibh O'Sullivan