© Robert Siegel
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California Academy of Sciences 2021

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California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2


California Academy of Science 2021

California Academy of Science
September 14, 2021
With Viruses in the News
Canon 7Dmark2



With thanks to Stanford's Sophomore College program who sponsored this field trip,
And thanks to the Sophomore College students, to Flora and Sohaila, my SCA in the Program, and to Shannon Bennett for meeting with us to talk about her work and the work of the Academy.


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+ San Francisco Zoo

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Last modified: September 15, 2021
Created: September 15, 2021 (from calacademy2019.html)
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.