This page contains links to some of my thematically organized photographs on a wide variety of topics, especially related to nature and travel.
Stanford Dish 2018; Jasper Ridge 2018; Baylands 2018; Byxbee 2018; Tree Week2018 Lunar eclipse 2018; Blue Oak Ranch Reserve; Alum Rock Park; Bridges; Hayward Regional Shoreline; Coyote Hills; New York 2017, 2018; New Jersey 2017, 2018; The Stanford Dish 2018; The Stanford Dish 2017; Namibia 2016 - updated; Pinnacles National Park; Palo Alto Baylands 2017; Don Edwards National Shoreline; Wonderfest Sagan Award 2018; Wunderlich; Chanukah, 2017; Byxbee Park; Thanksgiving 2017; Big Game Week 2017 Año Nuevo 2017; Hawaii 2017; San Bruno Mountain updated; Santa Cruz; Felt Lake 2017; Ireland 2017; Dublin 2017; Northern Ireland 2017; Eclipse 2017; Utah 2017; Wyoming 2017; Peru, 2017; Florida, 2017; Quito, 2017; China, 2017; Jasper Ridge 2017; Galápagos, 2017; Galápagos 2015; Galápagos 2010 revised; Owl page - updated; Wonderfest Anniversary 2017; Russian Ridge; Kenya 2008 - revised pages; Bay Area king tide flyover; Breakthrough Prize dinner and panel; Humans and Viruses - Autumn 2017; Palo Alto Baylands 2016; Felt Lake 2016; Bean Hollow; San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers - 2016; Spain 2009 revised; Fallen Leaf Lake 2016; California Academy of Sciences 2016; Florida, Summer 2016; Madagascar 2016; Paris - updated; San Francisco Zoo; Christine and Aaron - September 24-25, 2016; Viruses in the News 2016 ; Madagascar 2013 - updated; Stanford Graduation, June, 2016; My yard - updated; Cape Town 2016; Zambia 2016; Cape Peninsula 2016; Gansbaai 2016 - shark cage diving; Garden Route 2016; Zimbabwe 2016; Chobe 2016; African penguins; Welwitschia; Turacos - newly photographed bird order; Colorado 2015; London - revised; Tasmania 2015; Western Australia 2015; Great Ocean Road 2015; Grand Canyon 2015; Arizona 2015; Trinidad 2003 - revised; New Jersey 2017; Florida, Spring 2015 ; Florida, Summer 2015 ; Jasper Ridge 2015 ; The Stanford Quad ; India 2004 - greatly revised; Atlanta 2015 ; Palo Alto Baylands 2015 ; Bioblitz 2015 ; Tanzania 2003 ; Humans and Viruses 2015 ; Edgewood Park ; We Day 2015 ; Florida, winter 2015 ; Meyer Library ; Shark cage diving - Gansbaai ; Borneo 2005 - revised ; Canada 2013 ; Tasmania 2012 - revised ; Jasper Ridge 2014 ; The Pantanal 2014 ; Colombia 2014 ; Florida 2014 ; Tulips - revised; York 2007 - revised ; Fitzgerald Marine reserve ; Viral models ; San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers ; Monterey Aquarium ; Hong Kong 2012 - revised ; Viruses in the News 2014 ; Miami Seaquarium ; Route 1 ; Butterfly pages ; Antarctica 2013 ; Ushuaia 2013 ; Buenos Aires 2013 ; Florida 2013 ; The Pantanal ; The Cape Peninsula ; The Garden Route ; Durban 2013 ; Stanford Safari 2013 ; Old Chem ; The Quad ; Sky tunneling ; Cape Town 2013 ; Chile 2012 ; Florida 2012 ; Bali 2012 ; Java 2012 ; Sumatra 2012 ; Tanzania 2012 ; Papua New Guinea 2012 ;
Mount Tam
- coming
Order Rodentia:
Rodents -
9 out of 33 families with 481 genera, over 2000 species
Order: Dasyuromorphia:
Mythical creatures
Bird order wish list: