Robert Siegel
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The Stanford Dish
These pictures are a glimpse into the many transformations of climate, weather, and mood.
Often they reflect grandeur in subtlety.
November 23, 2006
The pictures below were all taken on the Stanford dish loop during
The power of prayer
The Stanford Dish
Canon 50D,
November 2, 2010
Serpentine profile
The Stanford Dish
November 2, 2010
Canon 50D
Coyote confrontation
The Stanford Dish
August 16, 2010
Canon 50D
Coyote camoflage - where's Wiley?
The Stanford Dish
Canon 50D,
August 16, 2010
Sun worship
The Stanford Dish
Canon 50D
August 16, 2010
Hare today, gone tomorrow
The Stanford Dish
Canon 50D
August 16, 2010
February 10, 2010
taken with Canon Rebel 50D
"My rodent!"
February 10, 2010
taken with Canon Rebel 50D
Squirrel tartar
February 10, 2010
taken with Canon Rebel 50D
A snag in the plan
Dead snag silhouette at sunset
January 3, 2009
taken with Canon Rebel XSi
In search of gold in the Stanford Hills
March 26, 2008
taken with Canon S2IS
Curious cloud coloration
November 5, 2010
taken with Canon 50D (no filters)
Western bluebird
Sialia mexicana Swainson
March 28, 2008
taken with Canon S2IS
The Dish at sunset
December 25, 2007
taken with Canon 30D, 70-300
Poppy dew
March 23, 2008
taken with Canon 30D, macro
Fiddleneck flower in waning light
Amsinckia intermedia
id by Owl Seagull
taken March 22, 2008
taken with Canon 30D, macro
Splendor in the grass
April 2, 2007
on Wendy's 500 circuit of the dish!
taken with Canon 30D, macro lens
"Facing the facts"
February 17, 2007
taken with Canon 30D, 70-300 DO IS lens
"Species profiling"
February 17, 2007
taken with Canon 30D, 70-300 DO IS lens
"Hawking his wares"
February 17, 2007
taken with Canon 30D, 70-300 DO IS lens
"Hawk eye"
February 17, 2007
taken with Canon 30D, 70-300 DO IS lens
"We egret to inform you"
January 29, 2007
taken with at maximum zoom with Canon S2IS
Deerly beloved
January 27, 2007
taken with at maximum zoom with Canon S2IS
December 23, 2006
taken with at 300mm with Canon D30
December 23, 2006
taken with at 300mm with Canon D30
Deer at dusk.
Same photo twice
The first photo has contrast decreased and darked.
The second photo has contrast increased and lighted.
Mooned at the dish
Full moon
December 4, 2006
taken with at 300mm with Canon D30
Kite flying
White-tailed kites
December 3, 2006
Winging it
November 22, 2006
Gopher baroque
November 21, 2006
Jerusalem Cricket
Stenopelmatus fuscus
November 23, 2006
Blue's eye
November 23, 2006
Spider Eisenlegs
November 24, 2006
November 21, 2006
November 21, 2006
Hairy legs and all
October 15, 2006
Gato de Roberto
Sloopy goes native
I got forked at the dish
Tree on the hill
Treason Hill
California Buckeye, Horse-chestnut
Aesculus californica
Dead wood on campus
Stark Contrast
May 15, 2005
Springing out
Thistle and companion
Mediterrean lineweed
Bellardia trixago
(per John Boggs)
Stretching out, catching the rays
Just another thistle-stop along the way
Thistle trek: the next generation
"Tastes like chicken"
...of happiness
Bird v. Dish
Immature Red Tail
(per Carol Boggs)
Buteo jamaicensis
Gee, that's not in my Bay Area bird book
On the road again.
I just can't wait to get on the road again.
Rattlesnake at the Dish
June 15, 2005
Fawning over the dish
A big thistle for my squirrel friend
Mariposa tulip
Cal invades the dish
Stanford fencing
Stanford dishes it out
HooTow from the Dish
Declassifed document on the use of the dish in spying
Additional dish pictures
2011 dish pictures
2012 dish pictures
2013 dish pictures
2014 dish pictures
2015 dish pictures
2016 dish pictures
2017 dish pictures
2018 dish pictures
2019 dish pictures
2020 dish pictures
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Modified: May 3, 2020
Created: January 9, 2005
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.