Berman, P., Minicucci, C., McLaughlin, B., Nelson, B. & Woodworth, K.  (1995).   School  Reform and Student Diversity: Case Studies of Exemplary Practices for LEP Students[full text]

This document presents the reports of four-year study sponsored by the Office of Educational Improvement of the U.S. Department of Education.  The study consisted of 12 projects which examined education reform efforts to improve the learning environments of limited English proficient language minority students.  Eight schools were chosen and in the course of multiple visits, interviews and observations, teams of researchers collected data from sources in the school, the community, and from state and local officials to compile a report showing how the schools instituted effective reforms.
The eight schools are presented in a chapter each, highlighting the school and community contexts, learning environments, curriculum and instruction strategies, specific programs for LEP students, overall school structure, district support, and a brief summary of findings.  Chapter 1 contains a brief introduction, addressing issues such as "The LEP Student Population" and "Nature of Exemplary Schools", while also laying out an "Overview of Methodology".  Chapter 10 is a list of seven "Lessons About Exemplary Practices and Schools Serving LEP Students".  The main page has a link to a somewhat limited glossary of student designations, program models for language minority students, pedagogical terms and a list of assessment related acronyms.  Finally, each section contains a bibliography, but the main page also has a link to a page of selected references.

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