Culture and Content
SU Instructor:
Professor Kenji Hakuta (
SU Instructor: Albert Lozano (
SU Technology Specialist: Teresa Cameron (
SU Contact Phone: 650-724-5738 (Albert)
Hakuta's Website:
SU/SFUSD Website:
SFUSD Director:
Melanie Hahn (
SFUSD Facilitator: Annie Rodriguez Capistrano (
SFUSD On-line Facilitator: Lisa Kwong (
SFUSD Technology Specialist:
Wen-ying Rosen (
Course objectives:
(1) To provide participants with a framework for observing and developing
sheltered instruction for English Learners, known as Specially Designed
Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE); and
(2) To address issues relevant to students' cultural background. We
will once again use the Teachscape web site. You will use an observation
model, the SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol), to analyze
the ways in which two different content teachers approach the instruction
of classes with English Learners. One case covers science on the topic
of density; the other case involves the teaching of probability and
statistics. You will use the SIOP to observe and rate the Teachscape
cases, and discuss your ratings with colleagues.
In week 1, you will be trained in creating a web page (an important
21st century literacy skill) and start the culture
assignment. Week 2 is an optional on-site class to review
web page skills and work on your project in the computer lab with technical
assistance. During Week 9, you will be asked to submit your culture
web page and explore the Culture Gallery -- the web pages created by
the class, which we will post -- and to offer commentary on the content.
Week 10 will be
an on-site class where we will review the content of the entire
three-course sequence. It will also be an opportunity to have a "graduation"
ceremony and party.
Course Textbook:
Echevarria, J., Vogt, M., & Short, D.J. (2000). Making Content Comprehensible
for English Language Learners: The SIOP Model. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Click here for Amazon link.
Week by Week |
Week 1 - March 25th
First half: Wrap-up winter quarter and introduction to the
SIOP model.Second half: Web page design (Hands on training) for
culture assignment (to be completed by May 20th).
Week 2 - Tuesday,
April 1st Optional on-site
with web page design.Applying SIOP to Teachscape videos: Data
Analysis (DA) and Probability: Measures of Center. Watch each
of the video chapters from the two cases using the SIOP framework.
Then apply the SIOP model, Chapter 2 (Indicators of Lesson Preparation)
to the videos. We will have topic areas for each corresponding
chapter. Rate the cases using the SIOP framework for each specific
question, then below provide a descriptive analysis of how you
came to your conclusions (example below). Post your evaluation
under the appropriate topic heading -- Data Analysis: Lesson Preparation
and Investigating Density: Lesson Preparation by Tuesday, April
1st. Respond with comments on your colleagues' ratings of both
videos by Friday, April 4th.
3 - Tuesday, April 8th
Apply the SIOP model in Chapter 3: Building Background to each case
by Tuesday, April 8th. Respond to colleagues' ratings of both cases
by Friday, April 11th |
4 - April 15th
(Spring Break for SFUSD) |
5 - April 22nd
Apply the SIOP model in Chapter 4: Comprehensible Input and Chapter
5: Strategies to each case by Tuesday, April 22nd. Respond to colleagues'
ratings of both cases by Friday, April 25th. |
6 - April 29th
Apply the SIOP model in Chapter 6: Interaction and Chapter 7: Practice/Application
to each case by Tuesday, April 29th. Respond to colleagues' ratings
of both cases by Friday, May 2nd. |
7 - May 6th
Apply the SIOP model in Chapter 8: Lesson Delivery and Chapter 9:
Review/Assessment, to each case by Tuesday, May 6th. Respond to
colleagues' ratings of both cases by Friday, May 9th. |
8 - May 13th
Work on culture web pages. |
9 - May 20th
Submit final projects (culture web page) by Tuesday, May 20th on
digital media (email, cd-rom, or disk) to Teresa (Stanford). Your
project will be linked to the syllabus webpage. |
10: May 27th ON-SITE
On site meeting: discuss colleagues' culture web sites and final
wrap-up. |
Example of your analysis
Topic Heading: DA-Ch.2 Indicators of Lesson Preparation
Clearly defined content objectives for students - 3
Clearly defined language objectives for students - 1
Content concepts appropriate for age and educational background of students
- 5
Supplementary materials used to a high degree - 1
Adaptation of content (e.g., text, assignment) to all levels of student
proficiency - n/a
Meaningful activities that integrate lesson concepts - 2
I feel (Mrs. Sahakian / Mrs. Kell) did a good job of building prior knowledge
though pre-reading activities, but did not address students' varying levels
of reading proficiency [you, of course, will present a much more in-depth