List of Papers and Testimonies on Bilingual
A position paper on educating language minority
students, written for the Rockefeller Foundation.
SAT-9 Scores in California
and a commentary on the "Oceanside miracle" (August,
Testimony on bilingual
education to the U. S. Commission on Civil Rights 4/13/01
New York City Mayor's Task Force,
Written Testimony 10/30/00
Population Characteristics, Social
Goals, and Educational Treatments for English Language Learning
Students. Workshop Presentation National Research Council, Board
on Testing and Assessment Forum on Educational Excellence and
Testing Equity Inclusion, Accommodation, and Reporting for English
Language Learners in Standards-Based Reform. (10/14/99).
Public Testimony to the California
State Board of Education on student redesignation (Title V) (3/11/99)
Declarations prepared for a motion for preliminary injunction
for Proposition 227 (Valeria G. et al v. Pete Wilson et al, U.
S. District Courtn Northern California No. C-98-2252-CAL): First
Declaration ----- Supplemental
Facts about the California L.E.P. population (handout
for talks)
Timeline in the Evolution of California
Bilingual Education Policy (handout for talks)
Aspen Institute seminar on bilingual
education with Congressional leaders. A general paper on educating
language minority students with recommendations to policy makers.
Students and Title I: A Guidebook for Educators.
National Research Council (NRC) reports on bilingual education
research. Long version with research recommendations: Improving
Schooling for Language Minority Children: A Research Agenda.
Short version that summarizes research findings: Educating
Language Minority Children. For my own statement about the
implications of the report on the bilingual education debate, click
here: Kenji's opinion.
Statement on Proposition 227 (Unz-Tuchman Initiative).