Recent Publications and Working Papers

Thomas Gale Moore

Climate of Fear: Why We Shouldn't Worry about Global Warming

Available at bookstores and from the Cato Institute in Washington DC.


Global Warming Papers

"Why Global Warming would be Good for You" Public Interest Winter 1995.

"Global Warming: A Boon to Humans and Other Animals"Essays in Public PolicyHoover Institution 1995. This is an exanded version of "Why Global Warming would be Good for You" with footnotes.

"Testimony before the House Committee on Science", November 1995 on Global Warming.

"Happiness is a Warm Planet" Op-ed in The Wall Street Journal October 7, 1997.

"A Dangerous Treaty" Op-ed in The Asian Wall Street Journal December 10, 1997.

"Testimony before the House Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs" on The Economics of the Kyoto Protocol on April 23, 1998.

"Health and Amenity Effects of Global Warming, " Published in Economic Inquiry, July 1998, 471-88.

"Basking in the Winter Warmth: Why Higher Temperatures are Better" Published in State of the Climate Report 1999: Essays on Global Climate Change April 1999, New hope Environmental Services.

"Kyoto's Real Objective" Op-ed on Failure of Kyoto talks in the Hague, November 2000.

In PDF Format: It is the best of Climate; it will be the Worst of Climates? Prepared for the conference on Global Climate Change at Rice University, September 6 to 8, 2000.

In PDF Format: In Sickness or in Health: The Kyoto Protocol versus Global Warming Essays in Public Policy Hoover Institution, No. 104, 2000. NEW August 25, 2000.



Thomas Moore wrote a monthly column the World Climate Reportfrom June 1996 to August 1998 and quarterly thereafter

The last essay was July 26, 1999 WCR.

These essays, which deal with health and economics of Climate Change, can be found at Climate Essays


For other material on Global Warming see Competitive Enterprise Institute


Evolutionary Psychology

A Working Paper dealing with the relationship of evolutionary psychology to economics entitled:

A Reformulation of Utility Theory or It All Comes from Sex.

An Abstract is available.

Placebos, Faith, and Morals: Or why Religion

A paper on why people are religious


The TeDeum was sung in both camps

Religion is so powerful and so ubiquitous that humans probably have a genetic need for a faith. Faith is also involved in the very powerful effect of placebos, which benefit between 35 to 75 percent of the patients taking dummy pills. Religious people live longer than those without a faith, indicating that religious belief may act much like a placebo. An explanation for the origins of religion lies in selective pressure for larger social groups. Warfare between proto-human tribes appears to have generated evolutionary pressure for larger groups; other things being the same, the larger tribes conquered the smaller. Larger groups of humans, however, experience difficulties in maintaining solidarity and preventing free riders. Religion and its rites strengthened group cohesion, making free riding more expensive and harder to conceal. In other words, a religious urge evolved to enhance warfare.

Other Writings

Card Clubs and Crime In CaliforniaThis is a study of the relationship of crime to card clubs, done in 1997 under a grant from Bay 101, a San Jose Card Club.


On Progress

Book on the Sustainability and Necessity of Progress

All Sections of this book are in Adobe Acrobat Format (PDF)


Preface and Introduction

Chapter1 The Meaning of Progress

 Chapter2 Has There Been Progress? The Historical Record >

Chapter3 Has There Been Progress? The Modern World

Chapter4 Freedom and Progress

Chapter5 Liberty, Progress, and Democracy

Chapter6 Freedom and Economic Growth Chapter7 Origins of Growth

Chapter8 Impediments to Growth Regulation and Government Ownership Chapter 9 Threats to Progress

Chapter 10 Progress for the Universe



Transportation and Regulation Papers

Clearing the Track: The Remaining Transportation Regulations Regulation Vol 18(2) 1995

ICC Obituary Regulation Vol 18(1) 1995

Issues in Regulatory Policy Prepared for the Conference on Economic Reform in Korea, January 15 & 16 1997, Hoover Institution.

Moving Ahead An essay on transportation regulation and deregulation over the last thirty years, published in Regulation, Vol. 25, No. 2, Summer 2002.


Op-eds on Terrorism and War

How to Reduce Terrorism published in the San Jose Mercury News, June 11, 2002.
A Humbler Foreign Policy February 13, 2003
Learning from History, appreared on as Today's Spotlight, June 25, 2003.
The Iraq War: is the United States Better Off?appeared on on March 11, 2004
Waist Deep in the Big Muddy, The Big Fool Says to Push On appeared on on May 4, 2004
The Charge of the Coalition Forces appeared on on May 21, 2004
The Curse of Oil appeared on June 30, 2004
Price, Patriotism, and Propoganda appeared on on June 9, 2004
Israel's Quagmire appeared in August 5, 2006
The Wisdom of Cutting and Running appeared in August 8, 2006
Leaving Iraq is not Enough appeared on August 30, 2006
What is Victory? appeared on September 7, 2006
Understanding Why Iraq I a Disaster appeared on September 12, 2006
My President, Right or Wrong appeared on September 30, 2006
October Surprise? appeared on October 5, 2006
Bush 0-for-3 with "Axis of Evil" appeared on October 13, 2006

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