© Robert Siegel
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Monte Bello 2023

Quick links

+ July 22, 2023


July 22, 2023 Mothing at Night
With special thanks to Vivian and Debbie for organizing, and to all my fellow mothers (for all their saturnal wisdom)

monte bello 2023

Monte Bello
July 22, 2023
Canon 7Dmark2


monte bello 2023

Monte Bello
July 22, 2023
Canon 7Dmark2


monte bello 2023

Monte Bello
July 22, 2023
Canon 7Dmark2


monte bello 2023

Monte Bello
July 22, 2023
Canon 7Dmark2


monte bello 2023

Monte Bello
July 22, 2023
Canon 7Dmark2


monte bello 2023

Monte Bello
July 22, 2023
Canon 7Dmark2


monte bello 2023

Moth night
Monte Bello
July 22, 2023
Canon 7Dmark2


Some visits to Monte Bello

+ November 28, 2015
+ July 26, 2021
+ August 29, 2021
+ July 22, 2023

Bay Area

+ Palo Alto Baylands
+ Windy Hill
+ Crystal Springs
+ Arastradero Preserve
+ Russian Ridge
+ Monte Bello
+ Mount Tam

California Coast

+ Monterey
+ Monterey Bay - whale watching
+ Point Lobos
+ Pigeon Point
+ Año Nuevo
+ Bean Hollow
+ Natural Bridges State Beach
+ Waddell Beach


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Last modified: July 26, 2023
Created: July 26, 2023 (from montebello2021.html)
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.