Robert Siegel
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Palo Alto Baylands 2016
Other Baylands pages:
Palo Alto Baylands 2017
Palo Alto Baylands 2016
Palo Alto Baylands 2015
Palo Alto Baylands 2014
Palo Alto Baylands 2013
Palo Alto Baylands - earlier photos - up through 2012
Byxbee Park
Don Edwards National Shoreline
Shorebirds in flight
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Stereo selfie
with Emily Poetsch
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Syler at work
Syler P-R
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
American coot (Fulica americana)
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Plural coot
American coot (Fulica americana)
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Shoveler by land
Northern shoveler (Anas clypeata)
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Shoveler by sea
Northern shoveler (Anas clypeata)
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Palo Alto Baylands
with Photographing Nature class
December 3, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Interpretive Center
Bob helping with experiment
Palo Alto Baylands
June 10, 2016
Canon rebel T5i
Palo Alto Baylands
June 10, 2016
Canon rebel T5i
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Modified: February 10, 2018
Created: September 17, 2016 (from baylands2015.html)
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.