© Robert Siegel
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Don Edwards National Shoreline 2023

Links within page:

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+ Arthropods
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Pig grafitti/h3> don edwards 2023 - dumbarton west

Dumbarton bridge
Don Edwards National Shoreline
October 27, 2023
Canon 7Dmark2


Related pages

+ East Bay area (near Coyote Hills)
+ Alviso area
+ West Bay Area


Some visits

+ Dumbarton West Area - October 27, 2023
+ Dumbarton West Area - January 9, 2022
+ Dumbarton West Area - June 7, 2020
+ Dumbarton West Area - June 6, 2020
+ Alviso Area - October 19, 2019
+ Alviso Area - April 7, 2019
+ Alviso Area - November 3, 2018 with - Photographing Nature class reunion
+ East Bay Area - near Coyote Hills - December 9, 2017 with Chris LeBoa, Tonya Fingerhut, and Gonaz - Photographing Nature group
+ Alviso Area - November 30, 2013 with - Photographing Nature class
+ Alviso Area - October 27, 2013 with parents
+ West Bay Area - October 27, 2013 with parents


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Last modified: November 3, 2023
Created: November 3, 2023 (from donedwards2022.html)
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.