Robert Siegel
quick link to photo index
quick link to rogues galleries
The famous and the near famous - Bob and celebs
Bob and Tony
Lucy, Corry, Bob
The President and Bob
Martin Sheen
We Day California 2014
March 26, 2014
The Veep and Bob
Gav and Bob
Gavin Newsome
We Day California 2014
March 26, 2014
Jerry and Bob
And Tutu makes two
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
St. George's Cathedral
Cape Town
April 12, 2013
Note the contrasting iconographies
Bob and Sam
Melinda, Bob, and Bill
Stanford graduation
June 15, 2014
Front and Back
Andrew Luck and Bob
Pre-Event Celebration dinner
Westin St. Francis
March 25, 2014
Bob with Big Mack
John Macinroe and Bob
Sunken Diamond
Stanford Graduation
June 8, 2023
Pixel 6 Pro
Magic, Bob, and Martin
Magic Johnson, Bob Siegel, Martin Luther King III
We Day California
March 26, 2014
Mission Bay campus
San Francisco
December 5, 2016
Rebel T5i
Jennifer, Charles, Bob
Bob and Jennifer at the reception
Carolyn and Bob
With Carolyn Bertozzi
March 6, 2024
Pixel 8 Pro
Bob and Sue
Bob and Susan Rice
Encina Hall, Stanford
October 12, 2015
Olympus Tough TG-4
Susan Rice
Bob and Susan Rice
Encina Hall, Stanford
October 12, 2015
Olympus Tough TG-4
Bob and Ellen
Ellen Ochoa
Stanford Faculty Club
October 23, 2018
Olympus Tough TG-5
Bob, Yuval, Laura
Yuval Harari, Laura Chyu
February 26, 2017
Keplers Books
Menlo Park
Canon 7D markII
Bob and Vic
Victor Fuchs
June 9, 2016
Stanford Faculty Club
Pete, Bob, and corona
Pete Hotez
Berg Hall, Stanford
May 17, 2023
Pixel 6 Pro
Bob and Debbie
Deborah Birx
Berg Hall, Stanford
December 6, 2024
Pixel 8 Pro
Bob and Paul
Paul Farmer
March 19, 2009
Canon rebel XSi
The Bobs - Siegel and Swanepoel
Bob Swanepoel
Emerging infection conference
March 26, 2002
Canon PowerShot Pro90 IS
Sal Khan and Bob
November 14, 2013
Canon Rebel T5i
Chuckie, Pete and Bob
Pete O'Neal
former Black Panther
Usa River, Tanzania
July 2, 2012
Freeman Hrabowski and Bob
Bob and Festus Mogae
Third president of Botswana
Center for African Studies
October 1, 2008
Canon Rebel XSi
Jack, Heron, and Bob
Jack, Fiona, and Bob
John Muir Laws, Fiona Gillogly
The Foster
October 23, 2018
Olympus Tough TG-5
Nainoa and Bob
Bob and Steven Mackey, composer
A rogues gallery
Bob and friends
Bob and celebs
Friends gallery
Family gallery
Student gallery
Darwin gallery
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Last modified: December 7, 2024
Moved from WWW folder: October 4, 2015
Created: March 28, 2014 (from bob.html)
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.