Robert Siegel
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The Stanford Dish 2016
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The Dish
Stanford Dish
June 15, 2016
Canon 7Dmark2
The path
Stanford Dish
June 9, 2016
Canon 7D mark2
Stanford Dish
May 5, 2016
Canon Rebel T5i
Dish from Hoover Tower
with Perle
November 23, 2016
Canon 7DmarkII
Stanford Dish 2016
Hoover Tower
Heart of the dish
Stanford Dish
June 9, 2016
Canon 7D mark2
Stanford Dish
May 5, 2016
Canon Rebel T5i
Smart Bart
Dumbarton Bridge from the Dish
Stanford Dish
December 17, 2016
Canon 7D markII
Like father like son
Mule deer
Deer portrait
Acorn woodpecker
Stanford Dish
December 4, 2016
Canon 7D markII
Stanford Dish
December 4, 2016
Canon 7D markII
Stanford Dish
December 4, 2016
Canon 7D markII
Two turkeys
Too close for comfort
Turkey feathers
Turkey tail
When herons gopher it
Egret in-coming
Egret with skink
Great egret
August 4, 2016
Canon 7Dmark2
Egret with skink
Great egret
August 4, 2016
Canon 7Dmark2
Egret with mouthful of grass
Great egret
August 28, 2016
Canon 7Dmark2
Washed up
Great egret
June 6, 2016
Canon 7Dmark2
This seemed quite amazing!
The egret depicted caught a rodent and then flew over to a pond to wash it off before eating it!
Red-tailed hawk close
Red-tailed hawk close
Red-tailed hawk
Red-tailed hawk
Red-tailed hawk chest
looking backwards forwards
Note: banded leg
More feathers than meat
White-tailed kite
White-tailed kite
White-tailed kite
White-tailed kite
Kite flying
Kite descending
Kite perched
Vulture soaring
Stanford Dish
June 9, 2016
Canon 7D mark2
Stanford Dish
June 9, 2016
Canon 7D mark2
Turkey dish
Turkey head
Turkey head
Stanford Dish
December 31, 2016
Canon rebel T5i
The turkey and the tower
Stanford Dish
December 31, 2016
Canon rebel T5i
Under attack
Stanford Dish
December 26, 2016
Canon rebel T5i
Mallard couple
Stanford Dish
March 23, 2016
Canon 7Dmark2
May 15, 2016
Rebel T5i
When squirrels pray
Squirrel with acorn
Gopher with grass
Young male
Mule deer
April 4, 2016
Canon 7Dmark2
Deerly beloved
Poised for grateness
Stanford Dish
December 31, 2016
Canon rebel T5i
When gophers pretend they are groundhogs
Rodential area
Stanford Dish
March 29, 2016
Canon 5Dmark2
In the pink
Naked ladies
Stanford Dish
August 31, 2016
Canon 7Dmark2
Red cage
Stink mates
Stanford Dish
March 24, 2016
Olympus Tough TG-4
Out of season
Tarantula hawk wasp
possibly Pepsis formosa
Stanford Dish
June 15, 2016
Canon 7Dmark2
In come the Calvatia
Calvatia pachyderma
ID by Christian Schwarz - mushroomobserver.html
Stanford Dish
November 4, 2016
Canon Rebel T5i
Fungal fragment
Calvatia pachyderma
ID by Christian Schwarz - mushroomobserver.html
Stanford Dish
November 4, 2016
Canon Rebel T5i
Bob with king snake
Order: Squamata
Family: Colubridae
The Stanford Dish
May 15, 2016
Rebel T5i
Bob mustarded
April 19, 2016
Olympus Tough TG-4
Bob and friends
Bob and Nicole
Stanford Dish
April 9, 2016
Olympus Tough TG-4
Bob and Lina
Stanford Dish
May 13, 2016
Olympus Tough TG-4
Lauren, Bob, Michaela
Bob, Rob, Aryeh, and Margo
New frosh
Syler, Ada, Vedi
Stanford Dish
September 24, 2016
Canon 7Dmark2
Tree at sunset
Stanford Dish
December 31, 2016
Canon rebel T5i
When the Dish gets macabre
Stanford Dish
September 24, 2016
Olympus Tough TG-4
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Modified: December 22, 2016
Created: January 3, 2016 (from dish2015.html)
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.