Assignment Contracts
Emerging Concepts in Emerging Disease

Student Topic Units
1. Molly Billings 1. To attending class on Mondays 1-3pm
2. To going to Infectious Disease Grand Rounds on most Thursday afternoons (4 or more times a quarter)
3. To attending up to 2 seminars per quarter
4. Reporting in class on information gained from # 2 and 3
2. Joy Chen 1. Attend 2 talks (or more as my schedule allows), write brief summaries of them and report back to the class. This will include:
"Cancer genes and cell signalling" Mike Bishop, 4/2
Andrew Fell, 4/16
2. Write a book review of Frank Ryan's Virus X
3. Present my honors thesis work on H. pylori transmission to the group
4. Report on ProMED postings of the previous week, along with Ajai
3. Ajai Dandekar 1) Review (with Joy Chen), the email messages from ProMED. I will focus on those messages and topic threads that are relevant to the course's theme of emerging diseases (or re-emergent ones).
2) Review, briefly, a salient article. My presentation would be similar in format to the presentations given in the Vaccine Revolution.
Attend grand rounds
4. Meredith Heller 1) Meet with Matt (and Robin?) for one hour a week and choose a topic, hopefully that will pertain to grand rounds that week do some reading from the textbook and get some general background before grand rounds
2) attend grand rounds weekly
3) keep a journal of how the background knowledge I learned pertains to the discussion at grand rounds
5. Jennifer Jolley 1. Attend ID Grand Rounds
2. Attend infectious disease related seminars
3. Attend cloning symposium
4. Complete three one page write-ups including
on cloning
6. Catherine Liu 1. Attend 4 infectious disease grand rounds throughout the quarter and give brief oral recapitulations at the Monday class meetings.
2. Provide 4 brief oral updates on current events in infectious disease (along with Ajai and Joy) on ProMED updates as well as additional newspaper clippings or articles.
3. If there is anyone who would like a mentor, I would be interested in doing that as well. (Let me know if you know anyone interested).
7. Janet Maldonado 1. Attend ID Grand Rounds
2. Attend ID related seminars
1) Ethics of Cloning of Dolly--Could humans be next?(Ernle Young)
2) Health in the Field-- Worms, Wheezes, and Wierd Diseases
3)Ethical and Legal IMplications of Physician Assisted Suicide (Ernle Young)
4) Ras induced activation of Raf and its implications in Tumorigenesis
5) Carl Djerassi's--Ethical Discourse through Science-in-Fiction
8. Robin Norris 1. Attend eight infectious disease grand round sessions
2. Attend two infectious disease related seminars
3. Write-up and present three articles related to the topics presented
4. Write-up and present one article related to my honors thesis work on BrCa-1
5. Serve as a mentor to a student who is beginning to learn about the principles of virology and infectious disease.
9. Matthew Old 1. Attend at least 7 infectious diseases grand rounds and present/discuss interesting cases in class.
2. Attend three infectious disease seminars and present them in class.
3. Mentor one to three students every week.
4. Laboratory techniques presentation in class.
10. Jennifer Trayner 1. Attend weekly class meetings
2. Attend ID grand rounds and report the cases to the class
3. Attend other ID talks/seminars offered throughout the quarter
4. Public Health Night

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Last modified: April 14, 1997