Research Labs and Opportunities
Bob's Helpful hints
- Finding a lab
Decide what kind of lab you want to work in
- What kind of science
- What area of science
- What laboratory milieu
- What type of mentor you want -
- You will usually be working under post-docs or fellows.
Do your homework.
- What does the lab work on?
- Read some abstracts (at least) of their work.
Do not be shy.
Be persistent.
Talk to other students.
Look for lab where other students have been successful.
If someone says they do not have space, ask for additional
Be persistent (redundance intentional).
I can give you a list of names - see below.
(You may get turned down a bunch, but if
you are persistent you will get a good position.)
Be sure to check out the URO (Laura Selznick) and Biology (Ellen
MacDonald) pages.
See links below.
- Field Research
This is typical of fieldwork. You plan and plan, and then you
get there and realize you can't do it.
Dolph Schluter
in The Beak of the Finch
contag lab
jackson lab
arvin lab
shafer lab
Check out the URO Home
Laura Selnick worked hard on this.
It would also be well worth your well to check out Ellen
page. She is in charge of the honors program in the Department of
Biology and has collected a valuable set of resources:
- Introduction
- Finding
a lab
- Research
- Summer
- Honors
- Financial
- Student
- Bulletin
- Journal
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Last modified: July 1, 1997