Robert Siegel

Issues of Development in Northern Tanzania
September 2006

Tanzania seminar pix

Safari and other Tanzania pix 2006

Oldoinyo Lengai

Student projects

Overarching theme: development versus culture

1 Nada Boutros The Impact of Education in reducing poverty in Tanzania
2 Sasha Buscho The Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS)
3 Peter Chang The role of intellectual property upon development in Tanzania
4 Josh Harder International debt relief to Tanzania
5 Kellen Klein Westernization of the Maasai people and the balance they are struggling to find between their traditional culture and the attractions of the modern world
6 Aaron Kofman HIV orphans in Tanzania
7 Uriel Manzo Gastrointestinal infections in children in Tanzania.
8 Aalap Narichania The Impact of Imperialism
9 Divya Nettimi (1) the role of microcredit and (2) the role of social entrepreneurship in the economic/social development of Tanzania.
10 Sylviah Nyamu The Impact of Oppression of Women in East Africa
11 Marci Pepper Tanzanite
12 Elizabeth Reuman Development and Malaria: mutual impact
13 Alicia Riley TB in northern Tanzania...especially looking at TB in relation to the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS and comparisons with US/Mexican border health.
14 Rachelle Strickfaden Water in Tanzania (seasonal flooding, droughts, unique access to so many lakes, hydropower, etc.)
15 Marcus Williams Farming issues in Tanzania

Additional topics

+ Land ownership and use
+ Public transportation
+ Schools and education
+ Tanzanite
+ The United Nations in Arusha
+ The effects of linguistic diversity
+ The San and other Tanzania bush tribes
+ Primary and/or secondary education
+ Higher education
+ Religion and culture especially the impact of Christian versus Islamic traditions
+ Impact of malaria
+ Standard of living and the distribution of wealth
+ Microeconomics
+ Traditional medicine
+ The impact of colonialism in Tanzania
+ PEPFAR and the role out antiretrovirals
+ The positive and negative impacts of NGOs
+ The positive and negative impacts of philanthropic foundations
+ Vaccination
+ Farming or other specific industries
+ Large game hunting
+ Brain drain
+ Conceptions and misconceptions in art, literature, and journalism
+ The impact of cell phones, internet, or other technologies
+ Energy
+ Is Tanzania becoming flat? (a la Thomas Friedman)
+ The impact of national governance in Tanzania
+ The impact of local governance in Tanzania



Make sure you keep the themes of Development and Tanzania in mind.
Also make sure you consider potential conflicts between development and culture (or in Thomas Friedman's words: conflicts between "The Lexus and the Olive Tree")
Presentations should present some factual background information.
They should also outline areas of conflict or controversy in order to stimulate discussion.
We will try to weave the information in the presentations to our various outings.
They should also include an introduction as to why you chose your topic.


Presentations should be 15-20 minutes long. Longer is OK - as long as the content is good.
(Some people have asked about doing a second topic. This should be OK, but they need to be separate, complete presentations.)


You may choose the format. Creativity is appreciated.
If you wish you use PowerPoint, you may do so.
We intend to provide a computer and project (and hopefully electricity).
If you are not bringing a computer (per other email), you can bring the presentation on a USB drive. (This would be my strong preference.) You could also use a CD, or send it to yourself on email, or put it on your AFS folder.
The advantage of PowerPoint is that you can pull images from the web and you can generate text with typing (compared to say easel pads, which we could also provide).


The presentations will be spaced throughout the seminar. We will try to coordinate them with the field trips.
They should be largely completed before you leave for Africa.


There are a number of good books on development, on international health, on globalization, on ecotourism, on HIV, on women's issues, etc.
Unfortunately, many of these light on information pertaining to Tanzania, hard to access, or dated.
Therefore web is going to be an important resource. This is especially true for those of you who do not have good library access over the summer.
Use reliable, credible (or at least interesting) sites.
You may want to start with sites from the WHO, the CDC, Tanzanian government sites, CIA, wikipedia, etc.
Also consider NGO sites.
If anyone finds a great site send it to the group.


If you have not chosen a topic, you can get ideas on the website:
Here are a couple that would be particularly pertinent:
+ The extend and impact of Ethnic Diversity
+ Women's Empowerment
+ Land use
+ The impact of NGOs on Development in Northern Tanzania
+ The Impact of Religion on Development


Are welcome.
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Last modified: January 13, 2007
Created: July 22, 2006