Robert Siegel
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Humans and Viruses, Part II
Winter 2015
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Virus models
Hepe Birthday Bob
March 12, 2015
Bunya crackers
March 12, 2015
Lenti(l) dip
March 12, 2015
Bob and Lauren
March 12, 2015
Bob and Nicole
March 12, 2015
Bob and Tina
March 12, 2015
Bob and Nalani
March 12, 2015
Bob and Eddie
March 12, 2015
Bob and Meche
March 12, 2015
Bob and Marcus
March 12, 2015
Bob and Miriam
March 12, 2015
Bob and Laurie
March 12, 2015
Bob and Andrew
March 12, 2015
Nicole, Bob, and Luis
March 12, 2015
Bob and Nick
March 12, 2015
Bob and Jimmy
March 12, 2015
Joe and Alex skyped in
March 12, 2015
Sugar icosahedron
March 12, 2015
Sugar triangular face
March 10, 2015
Icosahedral faces
March 10, 2015
Bubble, bubble, sugary trouble
March 10, 2015
Anello and disability
Humans and Viruses
March 5, 2015
End of the year party
Amazing cake, how sweet the taste...
Humans and Viruses
June 8, 2015
Virophiles / sorority squat
Humans and Viruses
June 8, 2015
The party went viral
Humans and Viruses
June 8, 2015
Joe and Lauren
Humans and Viruses
June 8, 2015
Laurie and Emi
Humans and Viruses
June 8, 2015
Nicole Dalal
Andrew Duong
Luis Garcia
Joe Getsy
Eddie Irvine
Jimmy Jiang
Tina Ju
Mariam Kyarunts
Alex Lindqwister
Marcus Muñoz
Mercedes Peterson
Shubha Raghvendra
Laurie Rumker
Nick Simon
Lauren Sweet
Nalani Wakinekona
Teaching Assistants
Autumn Albers
Emilia Vanni
Humans and Viruses Part 2
Microbiology and Immunology 155V
Winter Quarter, Tuesdays and Thursday 2:15 - 5:05
Sherman Fairchild Building D300
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Modified: November 15, 2015
Created: March 16, 2015 (from humvir.html)
contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.