Robert Siegel
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March - April, 2006
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Torres del Paine
The Glories of the Torres
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
Puerto Natales
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
Airness at the Cuernos
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
(More on the Art of Flying)
Arco iris
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
When the spray from the bow of the boat crossed in front of the rainbow,
it would deeply intensify. At that moment, we could see the bottom part
enter the water just a few meters from the boat. Perhaps Patagonia
itself was "the pot of gold". In the next few days, rainbows became
relatively common place.
Self-portrait - Cuernos
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
This was taken looking into our room at the inn. The Paine massif is
reflected in the window - cuernos in the middle, torres peaking through
from behind.
Touring Torres del Paine
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
Glacial blue
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
Glacial erratic
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
In the mist
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
Patagonian glacier
Patagonia, Chile
March 29, 2006
Canon digital rebel
"Hey guys, check out that fox!"
more penguins and other birds
"Man, that's a good one"
Mono Rhea!
Black necked swan
Flicker? I don't know her.
Ashy-headed goose (Chloephaga poliocephala)
Fire bush
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
Fall colors
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
Berry interesting
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
What would you lichen this to?
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
Chuckie D's place
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
On the bridge to Chilenos
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
Tayson on the bridge
Patagonia, Chile
March 29, 2006
Canon PowerShot S2IS
Zarek in Patagonia
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
Getting pisco'd off
Patagonia, Chile
Spring, 2006
Patagonian sunset
Patagonia, Chile
March 28, 2006
Canon digital rebel
La Campana
Rapa Nui
La Serena, Olmue - Bing trip
Buenos Aires
Darwin's travels
Chile pix revisited - birdz only
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modified: December 24, 2017
created April 4, 2006
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.