Robert Siegel
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Tayrona National Park, Colombia
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on the beach
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Colombia 2014
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On the beach
iguanas try to roll their tongue
Cabo San Juan de Guia beach
Tayrona National Park
May 2, 2014
Stubborn about drinking
Arrecifes beach
Tayrona National Park
May 2, 2014
Parrotting my every movement
Quiscalus mexicanus
Arrecifes beach
Tayrona National Park
May 2, 2014
Quiscalus mexicanus
Arrecifes beach
Tayrona National Park
May 2, 2014
Keeping his eye on the gold
Tayrona National Park
May 1, 2014
Cabeza de lagarato
Whining about sea grape
Ready for harvest
Sea grape or seagrape
(Coccoloba uvifera )
Tayrona National Park
May 1, 2014
A boulder view of Tayrona
Tayrona National Park
May 2, 2014
Life's a beach
Tayrona National Park
May 1, 2014
The bf, evolution's padre, and the cousin's cousin
Laura and Pedro
Andres' cousin's cousin
Tayrona National Park
May 1, 2014
Andres et al.
Andres' cousin's cousin
Tayrona National Park
May 1, 2014
Leaf-cutters collect yellow flowers
Tayrona National Park
May 2, 2014
Leaf-cutter transport
Tayrona National Park
May 2, 2014
En route
Blue morpho
en route to Pueblito
Tayrona National Park
May 2, 2014
Showing its colors
Blue morpho
en route to Pueblito
Tayrona National Park
May 2, 2014
Steps of pueblito
Tayrona National Park
May 2, 2014
Andres and Charles
Tayrona National Park
May 2, 2014
Testing equine visual acuity
We hired horses for an hour-long ride back to the car. It was dusk when we started and quite dark by the time we arrived.
The path followed a steep, narrow, rocky course with significant rises and falls in the terrain.
Tayrona National Park
May 2, 2014
At the OK Coral
Brain coral
May 5, 2014
with Reef Shepherd
May 5, 2014
with Reef Shepherd
Morays of sunshine
May 5, 2014
with Reef Shepherd
Arrowhead crab
Stenorhynchus seticornis
May 5, 2014
with Reef Shepherd
Polychete worm
possiblyHermodice carunculata
Family: Amphinomidae
May 5, 2014
with Reef Shepherd
Requisite selfie
May 5, 2014
with Reef Shepherd
May, 2014
Tayrona itinerary - May, 2014
May 1, 2014
- Drive to Tayrona from Santa Marta
- Lunch in the restaurant
- Hang out at the beach with Andres' cousin
- Hike to camp sites
- Stay over in Bungalo
May 2, 2014
- Hike to Pueblito - hot
- Swim at beach on returning
- Hike horses to ride back to parking lot - totally dark by the time we arrived
- Drive back to Santa Marta
May 5, 2014 Scuba diving in the Park with Reef Shepherd
- Drive to Taganga
- Fast dive boat to park
- Two dives with short lunch stop on land
- Drive back to Santa Marta
With thanks to Andres Mendez for being an outstanding traveling companion and host!
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modified: June 13, 2014
created: May 15, 2014 (from cartagena2014.html)
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu