© Robert Siegel
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Coyote Creek Lagoon Trail

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+ Birds
+ Rails
+ Bugs and other arthropods
+ Flora


palo alto baylands 2021
Family: ()
Coyote Creek Lagoon Trail
November 7, 2021
Canon 7D markII


palo alto baylands 2021
Family: ()
Coyote Creek Lagoon Trail
November 7, 2021
Canon 7D markII


Other Baylands pages:

+ Palo Alto Baylands 2020
+ Palo Alto Baylands 2019
+ Palo Alto Baylands 2018
+ Palo Alto Baylands 2017
+ Palo Alto Baylands 2016
+ Palo Alto Baylands 2015
+ Palo Alto Baylands 2014
+ Palo Alto Baylands 2013
+ Palo Alto Baylands - earlier photos - up through 2012
+ Byxbee Park
+ Byxbee Park 2019
+ Emily Renzel pond
+ Geng Road
+ Don Edwards National Shoreline
+ Coyote Hills
+ Hayward Regional Shoreline


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Last modified: November 7, 2021
Created: November 7, 2021 (from baylands2020.html)
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.