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Bulletin Archive

This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.

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Graduate Programs in Microbiology and Immunology

The Department of Microbiology and Immunology offers a program of training leading to the Ph.D. degree, as well as research training, courses, and seminars for medical students and postdoctoral fellows. Research interests focus on two broad areas: host/parasite interactions; and the function of the immune system. Laboratories investigate mechanisms of pathogenesis and the physiology of viruses, bacteria, and protozoan parasites, as well as the lymphocyte function in antigen recognition, immune response, and autoimmunity.


A regular M.S. program is not offered, although this degree is awarded under special circumstances. Candidates for master's degrees are expected to have completed the preliminary requirements for the B.S. degree, or the equivalent. In addition, the candidate is expected to complete 45 quarter units of work related to microbiology; at least 25 of these units should concern research devoted to a thesis. The thesis must be approved by at least two members of the department faculty.

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