School Organization - Reforms for English Language
From Claude Goldenberg’s documentary “Settings for Change”
(1997) about
Felton Elementary School in Lennox School District in
Los Angeles County, California.
Institutional Changes
Meetings with the principal
Academic expectations committee – met for 2 years????
Helped to put theory into concrete terms
Develop a set of learning goals for each grade level
Teachers were looking for more than what is in the district curriculum
Academic assessment committee
Discussed the difficult issue of how to assess
Random groups of students pulled out for assessment once a year
Also attempted to address the need for ongoing feedback
Teachers worked together to help each other become more effective teachers
Grade level meetings
Used not so much for administrative purposes but rather to let committee
members to report back
Scoring sessions
Looked in detail at student products for entire days after school let out
in the summer
Faculty meetings
To reinforce and discuss issues related to the improvement effort
Training sessions
To share accomplishments and celebrate progress at the year end
Followed by grade levels meetings to plan the areas of focus for the next
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/ The Model
/ Institutional Changes / Effects
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Organization - California
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