Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
Primarily for graduate students; undergraduates may enroll with consent of instructor.
APPPHYS 207. Laboratory Electronics
Lecture/lab emphasizing analog and digital electronics for lab research. RC and diode circuits. Transistors. Feedback and operational amplifiers. Active filters and circuits. Pulsed circuits, voltage regulators, and power circuits. Precision circuits, low-noise measurement, and noise reduction techniques. Circuit simulation tools. Principles of synchronous demodulation and applications of lock-in amplifiers. Combinatorial and synchronous digital circuits. Design using programmable logic. Analog/digital conversion. Microprocessors and real time programming. Current lab interface protocols. Techniques commonly used for lab measurements. Development of student lab projects during the last three weeks of 208. Limited enrollment. Prerequisites: undergraduate device and circuit exposure.
3 units, Win (Fox, J)
APPPHYS 208. Laboratory Electronics
Lecture/lab emphasizing analog and digital electronics for lab research. RC and diode circuits. Transistors. Feedback and operational amplifiers. Active filters and circuits. Pulsed circuits, voltage regulators, and power circuits. Precision circuits, low-noise measurement, and noise reduction techniques. Circuit simulation tools. Principles of synchronous demodulation and applications of lock-in amplifiers. Combinatorial and synchronous digital circuits. Design using programmable logic. Analog/digital conversion. Microprocessors and real time programming. Current lab interface protocols. Techniques commonly used for lab measurements. Development of student lab projects during the last three weeks of 208. Limited enrollment. Prerequisites: undergraduate device and circuit exposure.
3 units, Spr (Fox, J), alternate years, not given next year
APPPHYS 214. Randomness in the Physical World
(Same as STATS 214.) Topics include: random numbers, and their generation and application; disordered systems, quenching, and annealing; percolation and fractal structures; universality, the renormalization group, and limit theorems; path integrals, partition functions, and Wiener measure; random matrices; and optical estimation. Prerequisite: introductory course in statistical mechanics or analysis.
3 units, Spr (Diaconis, P; Fisher, D; Holmes, S), alternate years, not given next year
APPPHYS 216. X-Ray and VUV Physics
Research and classical concepts in photon science. Photon-electron interactions; x-ray absorption and Compton scattering. X-ray spectroscopy; EXAFS, SEXAFS, edge structure, magnetic circular dichroism, and linear dichroism. Photoemission spectroscopy and many-electron effects: angle-resolved and integrated photoemission, resonance photoemission, spin-polarized photoemission. Photoelectron diffraction and holography. X-ray interactions with condensed matter: diffraction and scattering. Photon sources: synchrotron, wigglers, and undulators. Photon and electron detectors and analyzers. Prerequisite: familiarity with quantum mechanics.
3 units, alternate years, not given this year
APPPHYS 217. Estimation and Control Methods for Applied Physics
Recursive filtering, parameter estimation, and feedback control methods based on linear and nonlinear state-space modeling. Topics in: dynamical systems theory; practical overview of stochastic differential equations; model reduction; and tradeoffs among performance, complexity, and robustness. Numerical implementations in MATLAB. Contemporary applications in systems biology and quantum precision measurement. Prerequisites: linear algebra and ordinary differential equations.
3 units, not given this year
APPPHYS 218. X-Ray and Neutron Scattering in the 21st Century
Interaction of x-rays and neutrons with matter. Modern sources of radiation: synchrotrons, x-ray free electron lasers, and spallation neutron sources. Scattering formulae. Determination of molecular, crystal, and magnetic structures, and their associated charge, lattice, and magnetic excitations. Applications from condensed matter physics, materials science, biophysics, medicine, and the arts. Examples include thermal and quantum phase transitions, excitations and competing phases in high-temperature superconductors, materials under extreme pressure, structure of nanoparticles, proteins and water, computer-aided tomography, and nondestructive testing of art objects.
3 units, alternate years, not given this year
APPPHYS 219. Solid State Physics and the Energy Challenge
Technology issues for a secure energy future; role of solid state physics in energy technologies. Topics include the physics principles behind future technologies related to solar energy and solar cells, solid state lighting, superconductivity, solid state fuel cells and batteries, electrical energy storage, materials under extreme condition, nanomaterials.
3 units, Win (Shen, Z), alternate years, not given next year
APPPHYS 223. Stochastic and Nonlinear Dynamics
(Same as BIO 223.) Theoretical analysis of dynamical processes: dynamical systems, stochastic processes, and spatiotemporal dynamics. Motivations and applications from biology and physics. Emphasis is on methods including qualitative approaches, asymptotics, and multiple scale analysis. Prerequisites: ordinary and partial differential equations, complex analysis, and probability or statistical physics.
3 units, alternate years, not given this year
APPPHYS 225. Probability and Quantum Mechanics
Structure of quantum theory emphasizing states, measurements, and probabilistic modeling. Generalized quantum measurement theory; parallels between classical and quantum probability; conditional expectation in the Schrödinger and Heisenberg pictures; covariance with respect to symmetry groups; reference frames and super-selection rules. Classical versus quantum correlations; nonlocal aspects of quantum probability; axiomatic approaches to interpretation. Prerequisites: undergraduate quantum mechanics, linear algebra, and basic probability and statistics.
3 units, Aut (Mabuchi, H)
APPPHYS 226. Physics of Quantum Information
Laws and concepts of quantum information science. Postulates of quantum mechanics: symmetrization postulate, quantum indistinguishability and multi-particle interference, commutation relation and quantum measurement, reduction postulate and impossibility of measuring, cloning and deleting a single wavefunction. Quantum information theory: von Neumann entropy, Holevo information and Schumacher data compression. Decoherence: Linbladian, quantum error correction, and purification of entanglement.
3 units, Win (Yamamoto, Y), alternate years, not given next year
APPPHYS 227. Applications of Quantum Information
Concepts and constituent technologies of quantum information systems. Quantum cryptography: single photon and entangled photon-pair-based quantum key distributions, quantum teleportation, quantum repeater. Quantum computer: Deutsch-Josza algorithm, Grover algorithm, Shor algorithm, quantum simulation, quantum circuits. Quantum hardwares: atomic physics, nuclear magnetic resonance, spintronics and quantum optics.
3 units, Spr (Mabuchi, H; Yamamoto, Y), alternate years, not given next year
APPPHYS 270. Magnetism and Long Range Order in Solids
Cooperative effects in solids. Topics include the origin of magnetism in solids, crystal electric field effects and anisotropy, exchange, phase transitions and long-range order, ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, metamagnetism, density waves and superconductivity. Emphasis is on archetypal materials. Prerequisite: PHYSICS 172 or MATSCI 209, or equivalent introductory condensed matter physics course.
3 units, Aut (Fisher, I), alternate years, not given next year
APPPHYS 272. Solid State Physics I
The properties of solids. Theory of free electrons, classical and quantum. Crystal structure and methods of determination. Electron energy levels in a crystal: weak potential and tight-binding limits. Classification of solids: metals, semiconductors, and insulators. Types of bonding and cohesion in crystals. Lattice dynamics, phonon spectra, and thermal properties of harmonic crystals. Pre- or corequisites: PHYSICS 120 and 121; and PHYSICS 130 and 131, or equivalents.
3 units, Win (Kivelson, S)
APPPHYS 273. Solid State Physics II
Electronic structure of solids. Electron dynamics and transport. Semiconductors and impurity states. Surfaces. Dielectric properties of insulators. Electron-electron, electron-phonon, and phonon-phonon interactions. Anharmonic effects in crystals. Electronic states in magnetic fields and the quantum Hall effect. Magnetism, superconductivity, and related many-particle phenomena. Prerequisite: 272.
3 units, Spr (Kivelson, S)
APPPHYS 275. Probing the Nanoscale
Theory, operation, and applications of nanoprobes of interest in physics and materials science. Lectures by experts. Topics include scanning tunneling microscopy, spectroscopy, and potentiometry; atomic manipulation; scanning magnetic sensors and magnetic resonance; scanning field-effect gates; scanning force probes; and ultra-near-field optical scanning.
3 units, alternate years, not given this year
APPPHYS 280. Phenomenology of Superconductors
Applications based on superconductivity as a phase-coherent macroscopic quantum phenomena. Topics include the superconducting pair wave function, London and Ginzburg-Landau theories, their physical content, the Josephson effect and superconducting quantum interference devices, s- and d-wave superconductivity, the response of superconductors to currents, magnetic fields, and RF electromagnetic radiation.
3 units, alternate years, not given this year
APPPHYS 290. Directed Studies in Applied Physics
Special studies under the direction of a faculty member for which academic credit may properly be allowed. May include lab work or directed reading.
1-15 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)
APPPHYS 291. Practical Training
Opportunity for practical training in industrial labs. Arranged by student with research adviser's approval. Summary of activities required.
3 units, Sum (Staff)
APPPHYS 292. Introductory Biophysics
(Same as APPPHYS 192.) For advanced undergraduates or beginning graduate students. Quantitative models used in molecular biophysics. The relation of structure to function. Chemical equilibria, cooperativity, and control: elementary statistical mechanics, affinity plots, allostery, models of hemoglobin-oxygen binding, bacterial chemotaxis. Macromolecular conformations: polymer chain models, protein folding, taxonomy of globular proteins, general principles of sequence selection. Chemical kinetics. Multiple barriers: CO-myoglobin kinetics, ion diffusion through channels and ion selectivity, spectroscopy of ion channels-acetylcholine receptor. Supramolecular kinetics: conversion of chemical energy to mechanical force, myosin and kinesin, actin polymers. Nerve impulse propagation: membrane potentials, voltage sensitive ion gates, Hodgkin-Huxley equations, propagation of the nerve impulse.
3 units, alternate years, not given this year
APPPHYS 294. Cellular Biophysics
(Same as BIO 294.) Physical biology of dynamical and mechanical processes in cells. Emphasis is on qualitative understanding of biological functions through quantitative analysis and simple mathematical models. Sensory transduction, signaling, adaptation, switches, molecular motors, actin and microtubules, motility, and circadian clocks. Prerequisites: differential equations and introductory statistical mechanics.
3 units, alternate years, not given this year
APPPHYS 302. Experimental Techniques in Condensed Matter Physics
Cryogenics; low signal measurements and noise analysis; data collection and analysis; examples of current experiments. Prerequisites: PHYSICS 170, 171, and 172, or equivalents.
3 units, alternate years, not given this year
APPPHYS 304. Lasers Laboratory
Theory and practice. Theoretical and descriptive background for lab experiments, detectors and noise, and lasers (helium neon, beams and resonators, argon ion, cw dye, titanium sapphire, semiconductor diode, and the Nd:YAG). Measurements of laser threshold, gain, saturation, and output power levels. Laser transverse and axial modes, linewidth and tuning, Q-switching and modelocking. Limited enrollment. Prerequisites: EE 231 and 232, or consent of instructor.
3 units, not given this year
APPPHYS 305. Nonlinear Optics Laboratory
Laser interaction with matter. Laser devices provide radiation to explore the linear and nonlinear properties of matter. Experiments on modulation, harmonic generation, parametric oscillators, modelocking, stimulated Raman and Brillouin scattering, coherent anti-Stokes scattering, other four-wave mixing interactions such as wavefront conjugation and optical bistability. Optical pumping and spectroscopy of atomic and molecular species. Limited enrollment. Prerequisites: 304, EE 231 and 232, or consent of instructor.
3 units, not given this year
APPPHYS 315. Methods in Computational Biology
Methods of bioinformatics and biomolecular modeling from the standpoint of biophysical chemistry. Methods of genome analysis; cluster analysis, phylogenetic trees, microarrays; protein, RNA and DNA structure and dynamics, structural and functional homology; protein-protein interactions and cellular networks; molecular dynamics methods using massively parallel algorithms.
3 units, Aut (Doniach, S), alternate years, not given next year
APPPHYS 324. Introduction to Accelerator Physics
Physics of particle beams in linear and circular accelerators. Transverse beam dynamics, acceleration, longitudinal beam dynamics, synchrotron radiation, collective instabilities, and nonlinear effects. Topics of current research in accelerator physics.
3 units, Win (Ruth, R), alternate years, not given next year
APPPHYS 376. Literature of Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Historical development and contemporary frontiers of cavity quantum electrodynamics in the optical and microwave domains. Topics include effects of boundary conditions on spontaneous emission, development of strong coupling in experimental systems, fundamental theoretical models, linear and nonlinear phenomenology in the strong coupling regime, optical bistability, input-output theory, photon statistics and single-photon sources, and modern developments in circuit QED. Journal club format; student presentations.
3 units, Win (Mabuchi, H)
APPPHYS 377. Literature of Condensed Matter Physics
Discoveries and experiments in condensed matter physics in the past 15 years. Topics: sliding charge density waves in layer compounds, the first pressure-induced Mott transition and organic superconductor, discovery of superfluid 3He, quasicrystals, the Sharvin effect, the quantum Hall effect, and reentrant superconductivity. Journal club format; student presentations.
3 units, Win (Beasley, M), alternate years, not given next year
APPPHYS 383. Introduction to Atomic Processes
Atomic spectroscopy, matrix elements using the Coulomb approximation, summary of Racah algebra, oscillator and line strengths, Einstein A coefficients. Radiative processes, Hamiltonian for two- and three-state systems, single- and multi-photon processes, linear and nonlinear susceptibilities, density matrix, brightness, detailed balance, and electromagnetically induced transparency. Inelastic collisions in the impact approximation, interaction potentials, Landau-Zener formulation. Continuum processes, Saha equilibrium, autoionization, and recombination.
3 units, Win (Bucksbaum, P), alternate years, not given next year
APPPHYS 387. Quantum Optics and Measurements
Postulates in quantum mechanics and quantum optics: Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, von Newmann's projection hypothesis, quantum non-demolition measurements, quantum states of light, cavity quantum electrodynamics, nonlocality and quantum entanglement. Second quantization of bosonic and fermionic fields; Glauber, Fock, Dicke, and Bloch states, first- and second-order coherence, quantum interference. Reservoir theory of open systems: Markoff and Born approximations, density operator master, Fokker-Planck, quantum Langevin, stochastic differential equations, quantum Monte-Carlo wavefunction method.
3 units, alternate years, not given this year
APPPHYS 388. Mesoscopic Physics and Nanostructures
Optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures: interband and intraband optical transitions, excitons and polaritons, semiconductor Bloch equations, bosonization, exciton BEC, exciton laser. Transport properties in mesoscopic and atomic systems: electron optics versus photon optics, Landauer-Büttiker formula, noise in diffusive and dissipative transport, nonequilibrium Green's function, electron entanglement, Coulomb blockade, single electronics, and spin dynamics in semiconductor quantum dots. Student presentations on assigned topics.
3 units, alternate years, not given this year
APPPHYS 390. Dissertation Research
1-15 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)
APPPHYS 392. Topics in Molecular Biophysics
Concepts from statistical mechanics applied to contemporary molecular biology: allosteric transitions; protein folding; molecular recognition; actin polymers and gels; molecular motors; lipids and membrane proteins; ion channels. Some of the basic models used to quantitate fundamental biomolecular functions. Prerequisites: elementary statistical mechanics and chemical kinetics.
3 units, alternate years, not given this year
APPPHYS 470. Condensed Matter Seminar
Current research and literature; offered by faculty, students, and outside specialists. May be repeated for credit.
1 unit, Aut (Beasley, M), Win (Beasley, M), Spr (Beasley, M)
APPPHYS 473A. Condensed Matter Physics
Students undertake background study prior to each weekly seminar offered through 470 as an introduction to topics of contemporary interest in condensed matter physics, critique each seminar for success in oral communication, and present a one-hour seminar on a contemporary topic for critique by the class. May be repeated for credit. Corequisite: 470.
2 units, Aut (Beasley, M), Win (Beasley, M), Spr (Beasley, M)
APPPHYS 483. Optics and Electronics Seminar
Current research topics in lasers, quantum electronics, optics, and photonics by faculty, students, and invited speakers. May be repeated for credit.
1 unit, Aut (Mabuchi, H), Win (Byer, R), Spr (Harris, S)
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