Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
GES 1. Dynamic Earth: Fundamentals of Earth Science
For non-majors or prospective majors in the Earth Sciences. Activity-based; field trips. Focus is on reading the dynamic geological landscape, with an emphasis on California geology. Plate tectonics, earthquakes and volcanoes, earth materials, geologic time, stream processes, erosion, climate change, and natural resources. GER: DB-NatSci
4 units, Aut (Hilley, G), Spr (Egger, A)
GES 3. Current Research Topics in Earth and Environmental Sciences
Primarily for freshmen and sophomores. Introduction to faculty and research areas in the School of Earth Sciences, including biogeochemistry, oceanography, paleobiology, geophysics, tectonics, geostatistics, soil science, hydrogeology, energy resources, earth surface processes, geochronology, earth materials, and seismology. May be repeated for credit.
1 unit, Aut (Egger, A), Win (Egger, A)
GES 4. Extinction of the Dinosaurs: An Introduction to the Study of Earth History
Focus is on the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. Principles of stratigraphy, correlation, the geological timescale, the history of biodiversity, and the interpretation of fossils. The use of data from sedimentary geology, geochemistry, and paleontology to test theories to explain the mass extinction event. Two half-day field trips. GER: DB-NatSci
4 units, Win (Payne, J)
GES 7A. An Introduction to Wilderness Skills
Living, traveling, and working in the wilderness for those planning fieldwork in the backcountry. Local geology, environmental ethics, trip planning, first aid, and leadership techniques. Four mandatory weekend outings focus on backcountry travel, minimum impact camping, equipment use and maintenance, rock climbing, and navigation. 7A emphasizes wilderness travel and climbing. 7B emphasizes winter camping skills and backcountry skiing. Food, group, and major personal gear provided. Guest speakers. Fee. See http://www.stanford.edu/class/ges7, or email oep-teachers@lists.stanford.edu.
1 unit, Aut (Bird, D)
GES 7B. An Introduction to Wilderness Skills
Living, traveling, and working in the wilderness for those planning fieldwork in the backcountry. Local geology, environmental ethics, trip planning, first aid, and leadership techniques. Four mandatory weekend outings focus on backcountry travel, minimum impact camping, equipment use and maintenance, rock climbing, and navigation. 7A emphasizes wilderness travel and climbing. 7B emphasizes winter camping skills and backcountry skiing. Food, group, and major personal gear provided. Guest speakers. Fee. See http://www.stanford.edu/class/ges7, or email oep-teachers@lists.stanford.edu.
1 unit, Win (Bird, D)
GES 7C. Advanced Wilderness Skills
For students with prior backcountry experience. Backcountry skiing, mountaineering, climbing, first aid, and trip planning. Focus is on outdoor leadership experience and trip management techniques. Food, group, and major personal gear provided. Four mandatory weekend trips. Fee. See http://www.stanford.edu/class/ges7/ for information or contact oep-teachers@lists.stanford.edu. Prerequisite: application.
1 unit, Spr (Bird, D)
GES 8. The Oceans: An Introduction to the Marine Environment
For non-majors and earth science and environmental majors. Topics: topography and geology of the sea floor; evolution of ocean basins; circulation of ocean and atmosphere; nature of sea water, waves, and tides; and the history of the major ocean basins. The interface between continents and ocean basins, emphasizing estuaries, beaches, and continental shelves with California margin examples. Relationships among the distribution of inorganic constituents, ocean circulation, biologic productivity, and marine environments from deep sea to the coast. One-day field trip to measure and analyze waves and currents. GER: DB-NatSci
3 units, Spr (Ingle, J), Sum (Ingle, J)
GES 39N. Forensic Geoscience: Stanford CSI
(F,Sem) Stanford Introductory Seminar. Preference to freshmen. Geological principles, materials, and techniques indispensable to modern criminal investigations. Basic earth materials, their origin and variability, and how they can be used as evidence in criminal cases and investigations such as artifact provenance and environmental pollution. Sources include case-based, simulated forensic exercises and the local environments of the Stanford campus and greater Bay Area. Local field trips; research presentation and paper. GER: DB-NatSci
3 units, Spr (Maher, K)
GES 40N. Diamonds
(F,Sem) Stanford Introductory Seminar. Preference to freshmen. Topics include the historyof diamonds as gemstones, prospecting and mining, and their often tragic politics. How diamond samples provide clues for geologists to understand the Earth's deep interior and the origins of the solar system. Diamond's unique materials properties and efforts in synthesizing diamonds. GER: DB-NatSci
3 units, Spr (Mao, W)
GES 43Q. Environmental Problems
(S,Sem) Stanford Introductory Seminar. Preference to sophomores. Components of multidisciplinary environmental problems and ethical questions associated with decision making in the regulatory arena. Students lead discussions on environmental issues such as groundwater contamination from point and nonpoint sources, cumulative watershed effects related to timber and mining practices, acid rain, and subsurface disposal of nuclear waste. GER: DB-NatSci
3 units, Win (Loague, K)
GES 49N. Field Trip to Death Valley and Owens Valley
Preference to freshmen. California's Death Valley and Owens Valley as natural laboratories for exploring a billion years of earth history: ancient ocean sediments, mountain building, earthquake faulting, glacial landscapes, volcanic eruptions, prehistoric climate changes, and historic human impacts. Six-day field trip to these areas during Spring Break. Term paper is written as a chapter for a field trip guidebook. Oral presentation on the outcrop at the field trip stop described in the guidebook chapter. The basics of plate tectonics and geology. Rock identification, reading topographic and geologic maps, and interpreting remote sensing imagery. Camping and moderate hiking required. GER: DB-NatSci
3 units, alternate years, not given this year
GES 50Q. The Coastal Zone Environment
Preference to sophomores. The oceanographic, geological, and biological character of coastal zone environments, including continental shelves, estuaries, and coastal wetlands, with emphasis on San Francisco Bay. Five required field trips examine estuarine and coastal environments, and agencies and facilities that manage these resources. Students present original research. Prerequisite: beginning course in Biology such as BIOSCI 51, Chemistry such as CHEM 30 or 31, Earth Sciences such as GES 1 or 2, or Earth Systems such as EARTHSYS 10. GER: DB-NatSci
3 units, not given this year
GES 55Q. The California Gold Rush: Geologic Background and Environmental Impact
(S,Sem) Stanford Introductory Seminar. Preference to sophomores. Topics include: geologic processes that led to the concentration of gold in the river gravels and rocks of the Mother Lode region of California; and environmental impact of the Gold Rush due to population increase, mining operations, and high concentrations of arsenic and mercury in sediments from hard rock mining and milling operations. Recommended: introductory geology. GER: DB-NatSci
3 units, Win (Bird, D)
GES 90. Introduction to Geochemistry
The chemistry of the solid earth and its atmosphere and oceans, emphasizing the processes that control the distribution of the elements in the earth over geological time and at present, and on the conceptual and analytical tools needed to explore these questions. The basics of geochemical thermodynamics and isotope geochemistry. The formation of the elements, crust, atmosphere and oceans, global geochemical cycles, and the interaction of geochemistry, biological evolution, and climate. Recommended: introductory chemistry. GER: DB-NatSci
3-4 units, Win (Stebbins, J)
GES 101. Environmental and Geological Field Studies in the Rocky Mountains
(Same as EESS 101.) Three-week, field-based program in the Greater Yellowstone/Teton and Wind River Mountains of Wyoming. Field-based exercises covering topics including: basics of structural geology and petrology; glacial geology; western cordillera geology; paleoclimatology; chemical weathering; aqueous geochemistry; and environmental issues such as acid mine drainage and changing land-use patterns.
3 units, Aut (Chamberlain, P; Graham, S)
GES 102. Earth Materials
The minerals, rocks, soils, and liquids that comprise the earth. How to identify, classify, and interpret rock-forming minerals and igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock types. Emphasis is on information provided by common minerals and rocks about the earth's major processes including magmatism, metamorphism, weathering, erosion, and deposition; the relationship of these processes to plate tectonics and earth cycles. Prerequisite: introductory geology course. Recommended: introductory chemistry. GER: DB-NatSci
5 units, Aut (Brown, G; Mahood, G)
GES 103. Rocks in Thin Section
Use of petrographic microscope to identify minerals and common mineral associations in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. Crystallization histories, mineral growth and reaction relations, deformation textures in metamorphic rocks, and provenance of siliciclastic rocks. Prerequisite 102.
3 units, Win (Miller, E)
GES 107. Journey to the Center of the Earth
(Same as GES 207, GEOPHYS 107, GEOPHYS 207.) The interconnected set of dynamic systems that make up the Earth. Focus is on fundamental geophysical observations of the Earth and the laboratory experiments to understand and interpret them. What earthquakes, volcanoes, gravity, magnetic fields, and rocks reveal about the Earth's formation and evolution.
3 units, Win (Lawrence, J; Mao, W)
GES 110. Structural Geology and Tectonics
Theory, principles, and practical techniques to measure, describe, analyze, and interpret deformation-related structures on Earth. Collection of fault and fold data in the field followed by lab and computer analysis; interpretation of geologic maps and methods of cross-section construction; structural analysis of fault zone and metamorphic rocks; measuring deformation; regional structural styles and associated landforms related to plate tectonic convergence, rifting, and strike-slip faulting; the evolution of mountain belts and formation of sedimentary basins. Prerequisite: GES 1, calculus. Recommended: 102. GER: DB-NatSci
5 units, Spr (Miller, E)
GES 111A. Fundamentals of Structural Geology
(Same as CEE 195A.) Techniques for structural mapping; using differential geometry to characterize structures; dimensional analysis and scaling relations; kinematics of deformation and flow; measurement and analysis of stress. Sources include field and laboratory data integrated with conceptual and mechanical models. Models of tectonic processes are constructed and solutions visualized using MATLAB. Prerequisites: GES 1, MATH 51, 52. GER: DB-NatSci
3 units, Aut (Pollard, D)
GES 111B. Fundamentals of Structural Geology
(Same as CEE 195B.) Continuation of GES 111A/CEE 195A. Conservation of mass and momentum in a deformable continuum; linear elastic deformation and elastic properties of rock; brittle deformation including fracture and faulting; linear viscous flow including folding and magma dynamics; model development and methodology. Sources include field and laboratory data integrated with conceptual and mechanical models. Models of tectonic processes are constructed and solutions visualized using MATLAB. Prerequisite: GES 111A/CEE 195B.
3 units, Win (Pollard, D)
GES 112. Mapping the Geological Environment
Geological mapping tools and techniques. Field training with GPS and laser ranging tools. Data sets from modern surveying and mapping campaigns employing lab and field-based laser scanning, field-based total stations, airborne photography and laser swath mapping (ALSM), the satellite Global Positioning System (GPS), and 3D seismic reflection surveys. These data analyzed using elementary differential geometry. MATLAB introduced as the computational and graphics engine. Prerequisites: GES 1, MATH 51, 52. GER: DB-NatSci
3 units, given next year
GES 115. Engineering Geology Practice
(Same as CEE 196.) The application of geologic fundamentals to the planning and design of civil engineering projects. Field exercises and case studies emphasize the impact of site geology on the planning, design, and construction of civil works such as buildings, foundations, transportation facilities, excavations, tunnels and underground storage space, and water supply facilities. Topics: Quaternary history and tectonics, formation and physical properties of surficial deposits, site investigation techniques, geologic hazards, and professional ethics. Prerequisite: GES 1 or consent of instructor. GER: DB-NatSci
3 units, alternate years, not given this year
GES 120. Planetary and Early Biological Evolution Seminar
(Same as GES 220.) Interdisciplinary. For upper division science undergraduates and graduate students. Synthesis of biology, geology, physics, and chemistry. Recent approaches for identifying traces of past life on Earth. How to look for life on other planets such as Mars, Europa, and Titan. May be repeated for credit.
2-3 units, not given this year
GES 121. What Makes a Habitable Planet?
Physical processes affecting habitability such as large impacts and the atmospheric greenhouse effect, comets, geochemistry, the rise of oxygen, climate controls, and impact cratering. Detecting and interpreting the spectra of extrasolar terrestrial planets. Student-led discussions of readings from the scientific literature. Team taught by planetary scientists from NASA Ames Research Center.
3 units, Aut (Marley, M; Lissauer, J; Zahnle, K)
GES 122. Planetary Systems: Dynamics and Origins
(Students with a strong background in mathematics and the physical sciences should register for 222.) Motions of planets and smaller bodies, energy transport in planetary systems, composition, structure and dynamics of planetary atmospheres, cratering on planetary surfaces, properties of meteorites, asteroids and comets, extrasolar planets, and planetary formation. Prerequisite: some background in the physical sciences, especially astronomy, geophysics, or physics.
3-4 units, not given this year
GES 123. Invertebrate Paleobiology
Introduction to the fossil record with emphasis on marine invertebrates. Major debates in paleontological research. The history of animal life in the oceans. Topics include the nature of the fossil record, evolutionary radiations, mass extinctions, and the relationship between biological evolution and environmental change. Fossil taxa through time. Exercises in phylogenetics, paleoecology, biostratigraphy, and statistical methods. GER: DB-NatSci
4 units, Spr (Payne, J)
GES 130. Soil Physics and Hydrology
The occurrence, distribution, circulation, and reaction of water at the surface and within the near surface. Topics: precipitation, evapotranspiration, infiltration and vadose zone, groundwater, surface water and streamflow generation, and water balance estimates. Current and classic theory in soil physics and hydrology. Urban, rangeland, and forested environments. GER: DB-NatSci
3 units, Aut (Loague, K)
GES 131. Hydrologically-Driven Landscape Evolution
Materials of the Earth and hydrologically driven landscape processes. Topics: hillslope hydrology, weathering of rocks and soils, erosion, flow failures, mass wasting, and conceptual models of landscape evolution. Current and classic theory in geomorphology. GER: DB-NatSci
3 units, Win (Loague, K)
GES 150. Senior Seminar: Issues in Earth Sciences
Focus is on written and oral communication in a topical context. Topics from current frontiers in earth science research and issues of concern to the public. Readings, oral presentations, written work, and peer review.
3 units, Aut (Bird, D; Egger, A)
GES 151. Sedimentary Geology and Petrography: Depositional Systems
Topics: weathering, erosion and transportation, deposition, origins of sedimentary structures and textures, sediment composition, diagenesis, sedimentary facies, tectonics and sedimentation, and the characteristics of the major siliciclastic and carbonate depositional environments. Lab: methods of analysis of sediments in hand specimen and thin section. Field trips. Prerequisites: 1, 102, 103. GER: DB-NatSci
4 units, Win (Graham, S; Lowe, D)
GES 163. Introduction to Isotope Geochemistry
(Same as GES 263.) Stable, cosmogenic, and radiogenic isotopes; processes that govern isotopic variations. Application of isotopes to geologic, biologic, and hydrologic questions. Major isotopic systems and their applications. Simple modeling techniques used in isotope geochemistry.
3 units, Aut (Maher, K)
GES 170. Environmental Geochemistry
Solid, aqueous, and gaseous phases comprising the environment, their natural compositional variations, and chemical interactions. Contrast between natural sources of hazardous elements and compounds and types and sources of anthropogenic contaminants and pollutants. Chemical and physical processes of weathering and soil formation. Chemical factors that affect the stability of solids and aqueous species under earth surface conditions. The release, mobility, and fate of contaminants in natural waters and the roles that water and dissolved substances play in the physical behavior of rocks and soils. The impact of contaminants and design of remediation strategies. Case studies. Prerequisite: 90 or consent of instructor. GER: DB-NatSci
4 units, Win (Brown, G)
GES 171. Geochemical Thermodynamics
Introduction to the application of chemical principles and concepts to geologic systems. The chemical behavior of fluids, minerals, and gases using simple equilibrium approaches to modeling the geochemical consequences of diagenetic, hydrothermal, metamorphic, and igneous processes. Topics: reversible thermodynamics, solution chemistry, mineral-solution equilibria, reaction kinetics, and the distribution and transport of elements by geologic processes. Prerequisite: 80. GER: DB-NatSci
3 units, Aut (Bird, D)
GES 172. Nontraditional Stable Isotope Geochemistry
(Same as GES 272.) Elements other than C, N, O, S, and H that exhibit mass-dependent and non mass-dependent isotopic fractionation; examples include Mg, Ca, Si, Fe, Cr, Mo, Cu, Zn, and Hg. These systems represent a new frontier in isotope geochemistry and Earth Sciences as new tools for understanding geochemical, environmental and biological cycles. The theoretical calculations that form the basis for predicting fractionation, as well as the current state and applications of non-traditional isotope systems.
3 units, alternate years, not given this year
GES 173. Isotope Geochemistry Seminar
(Same as GES 273.) Current topics including new analytical techniques, advances in isotopic measurements, and new isotopic approaches and systems.
1-3 units, Win (Maher, K)
GES 179. Silicic Volcanism: Processes, Products, and Related Volcaniclastic Sequences
For students whose research involves products of silicic magmatism, mapping in volcanic terrains, or those interested in working with tephra or volcaniclastic units within their field areas. Topics include crustal magmatism and volcaniclastic sediments, including generation of large-scale silicic magma chambers, dynamics of eruption, emplacement and physical characteristics of pyroclastic flows and lavas, and interpreting volcaniclastic deposits.
1 unit, not given this year
GES 180. Igneous Processes
For juniors, seniors and beginning graduate students in Earth Sciences. Structure and physical properties of magmas; use of phase equilibria and mineral barometers and thermometers to determine conditions of magmatic processes; melting and magmatic lineages as a function of tectonic setting; processes that control magma composition including fractional crystallization, partial melting, and assimilation; petrogenetic use of trace elements and isotopes. Labs emphasize identification of volcanic and plutonic rocks in thin section and interpretation of rock textures. May be taken for 3 units without lab. Prerequisite 102, 103, or consent of instructor.
4 units, alternate years, not given this year
GES 181. Metamorphic Processes
For juniors, seniors, and beginning graduate students in Earth Sciences. Thermodynamics and phase equilibria of multiple component systems; use of phase equilibria to determine pressure and temperature of metamorphic assemblages; geochronology of metamorphic rocks; heat flow in the lithosphere; links between tectonics and metamorphism; and the role of heat and mass transfer in the Earth's crust and mantle. Labs emphasize identification of metamorphic rocks and minerals for common pelitic and basic rocks and interpretation of rock textures. May be taken for 3 units without lab. Prerequisites: 102, 103, or consent of instructor. GER: DB-NatSci
3-5 units, not given this year
GES 182. Field Seminar on Continental-Margin Volcanism
For juniors, seniors, and graduate students in the earth sciences and archeology. One weekend-long, and two one-day field trips to study Cenozoic volcanism associated with subduction and with passage of the Mendocino Triple Junction off the west coast of California: Mt. Lassen/Mt. Shasta/Modoc plateau; Clear Lake/Sonoma volcanics; Pinnacles National Monument. Andesite and basalt lavas, cinder cones, mixed magmas, blast deposit, debris avalanches, volcanic mudflows, hydrologic controls of springs in volcanic terrains, hydrothermal alteration and modern geothermal systems, Hg mineralization, obsidian source. Prerequisite: 1, 80 or equivalent.
2 units, alternate years, not given this year
GES 183. California Desert Geology
Field seminar. For upper division undergraduates and graduate students in the earth sciences and archaeology. Six-day field trip over Spring Break to Mojave Desert, Death Valley, and Owens Valley. Basin-and-range faulting, alluvial fans, playas, sand dunes, metamorphic rocks, granites of the Sierra Nevada, obsidian lava flows and the deposits of major explosive eruptions, hot springs and ore deposits, and desert landscapes. Camping and moderate hiking. May be repeated for credit.
1 unit, not given this year
GES 185. Volcanology
For juniors, seniors, and beginning graduate students in Earth Sciences and Archaeology. How volcanic landforms and deposits relate to the composition and physical properties of magmas and the modes of emplacement. Labs emphasize recognizing types of lavas and products of explosive eruptions. Volcanic hazards and the effects of eruptions on climate and the atmosphere; volcanic-hosted geothermal systems and mineral resources. Required four-day field trip over Memorial Day weekend to study silicic and mafic volcanism associated with the western margin of the Basin and Range province. Prerequisite: 1, 102 or equivalent. GER: DB-NatSci
3-4 units, Spr (Mahood, G), alternate years, not given next year
GES 186. Geoarchaeology
(Same as GES 286.) For juniors, seniors, and beginning graduate students with interests in archaeology or geosciences. Geological concepts, techniques, and data in the study of artifacts and the interpretation of the archaeological record. Topics include: sediments and soils; sedimentary settings of site formation; postdepositional processes that disturb sites; paleoenvironmental reconstruction of past climates and landscapes using plant and animal remains and isotopic studies; raw materials (minerals, metals, stone, shells, clay, building materials) and methods used in sourcing; estimating age based on stratigraphic and radiometric techniques. Weekly lab; weekend field trip to local archaeological/geological site. GER: DB-NatSci
5 units, not given this year
GES 190. Field Research
(Same as GES 299.) Two-three week field research projects. Written report required. May be repeated three times.
2-4 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)
GES 191. GES Field Trips
Four- to seven-day field trips to locations of geologic and environmental interest. Includes trips offered during Thanksgiving and Spring breaks. May be repeated for credit. See http://pangea.stanford.edu/GES/undergraduates/courses/.
1 unit, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)
GES 192. Undergraduate Research in Geological and Environmental Sciences
Field-, lab-, or literature-based. Faculty supervision. Written reports. May be repeated for credit.
1-10 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)
GES 197. Senior Thesis
For seniors who wish to write a thesis based on research in 192 or as a summer research fellow. May not be repeated for credit; may not be taken if enrolled in 199.
3-5 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)
GES 198. Special Problems in Geological and Environmental Sciences
Reading and instruction under faculty supervision. Written reports. May be repeated for credit.
1-10 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)
GES 199. Honors Program
Research on a topic of special interest. See "Undergraduate Honors Program" above. May be repeated for credit.
1-10 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)
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