Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
ITALLANG 1. First-Year Italian, First Quarter
All-in-Italian communicative and interactive approach. Emphasis is on the development of authentic discourse in appropriate cultural contexts. Reading and listening to authentic materials, written and oral presentations, and conversational practice. Language lab, multimedia, and online activities. 3 fulfills the University language requirement.
5 units, Aut (Tennen, D), Win (Tempesta, G), Spr (Gelmetti, S)
ITALLANG 1A. Accelerated First-Year Italian, Part A
Completes first-year sequence in two rather than three quarters. For students with previous knowledge of Italian or with a strong background in another Romance language. 2A fulfills the University language requirement. Prerequisite: placement tests or consent of instructor.
5 units, Aut (Baldocchi, M), Win (Cellinese, A)
ITALLANG 2. First-Year Italian, Second Quarter
Continuation of 1. Prerequisite: 2 or equivalent.
5 units, Aut (Cellinese, A), Win (Tennen, D), Spr (Tempesta, G)
ITALLANG 2A. Accelerated First-Year Italian, Part B
Completes first-year sequence in two rather than three quarters. For students with previous knowledge of Italian or a strong background in another Romance language. 2A fulfills the University language requirement. Prerequisite: placement tests and consent of instructor.
5 units, Win (Baldocchi, M), Spr (Cellinese, A)
ITALLANG 3. First-Year Italian, Third Quarter
Continuation of 2. Prerequisite: 2 or equivalent.
5 units, Aut (Tempesta, G), Win (Cellinese, A), Spr (Tennen, D)
ITALLANG 5A. Intensive First-Year Italian, Part A
Accelerated. Covers 1-3 quarters of Italian. Emphasis is on the development of authentic discourse. Online activities, conversational practice, and interpretation and production of oral and written materials.
5 units, Sum (Devine, M)
ITALLANG 5B. Intensive First-Year Italian, Part B
Accelerated. Covers 1-3 quarters of Italian. Emphasis is on the development of authentic discourse. Online activities, conversational practice, and interpretation and production of oral and written materials.
5 units, Sum (Staff)
ITALLANG 5C. Intensive First-Year Italian, Part C
Accelerated. Covers 1-3 quarters of Italian. Emphasis is on the development of authentic discourse. Online activities, conversational practice, and interpretation and production of oral and written materials.
5 units, Sum (Lopez, N)
ITALLANG 20. Intermediate Oral Communication: Italy Today
Second-year conversation based on movie clips, slide shows, and other authentic materials. Guest lectures on Italian culture including opera, pop music, wine, and food culture. Preview of the Florentine experience with Florence returnees sharing their experiences in Italy. Prerequisite: first-year Italian or consent of coordinator.
3 units, Aut (Tempesta, G), Win (Tempesta, G), Spr (Tempesta, G)
ITALLANG 21. Second Year Italian, First Quarter
Content-based, integrating culture and language in the development of authentic discourse. Sources include news and film clips, music and audio files, and literary texts. Reading, writing, listening, and speaking competence based on crosscultural understanding. Prerequisite for 21: 2A, 3, 41C, or consent of coordinator.
4 units, Aut (McCarty, A)
ITALLANG 21A. Accelerated Second-Year Italian, Part A
Completes second-year sequence in two rather than three quarters. Prerequisite: 2A, 3, or consent of coordinator.
5 units, Win (Coggeshall, E), Spr (Baldocchi, M)
ITALLANG 22. Second-Year Italian, Second Quarter
Content-based, integrating culture and language in the development of authentic discourse. Sources include news and film clips, music and audio files, and literary texts. Reading, writing, listening, and speaking competence based on crosscultural understanding. Prerequisite for 21: 2A, 3, 41C, or consent of coordinator.
4 units, Win (McCarty, A)
ITALLANG 22A. Accelerated Second-Year Italian, Part B
Continuation of 21A. Satisfies the foreign language requirement for students majoring in International Relations. Prerequisite: 21A or equivalent, or consent of coordinator.
5 units, Aut (Baldocchi, M), Spr (Baldocchi, M)
ITALLANG 23. Second-Year Italian, Third Quarter
Content-based, integrating culture and language in the development of authentic discourse. Sources include news and film clips, music and audio files, and literary texts. Reading, writing, listening, and speaking competence based on crosscultural understanding. Prerequisite for 21: 2A, 3, 41C, or consent of coordinator.
4 units, Spr (McCarty, A)
ITALLANG 99. Language Specials
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
1-5 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)
ITALLANG 101. Advanced Oral Communication: Italian Language Through Opera
For Florence returnees or those who have completed second-year Italian. Use of opera excerpts by Leoncavallo, Puccini, Rossini, and Verdi to improve communication skills and review language functions. Emphasis is on listening, speaking, conversation, and debate. Prerequisites: second-year Italian and OSPFLOR 66, or consent of coordinator.
3 units, Aut (Cellinese, A)
ITALLANG 102. Advanced Oral Communication: Italian Contemporaty Cinema
For Florence returnees or those who have completed second-year Italian. Use of movie sequences by Italian film directors such as Benigni, Moretti, Salvatores, Soldini, and Tornatore to improve communication skills and review language functions. Emphasis is on speaking, conversation, and debate. Prerequisites: second-year Italian and OSPFLOR 66, or consent of coordinator.
3 units, Win (Gelmetti, S)
ITALLANG 103. Advanced Oral Communication: Italian Classic Cinema
For Florence returnees or those who have completed second-year Italian. Use of classical movie sequences by Italian film directors such as Antonioni, De Sica, Fellini, Rossellini, and Visconti to improve communication skills and review language functions. Emphasis is on presentation, conversation, and debate. Prerequisites: second-year Italian or OSPFLOR 21F, 22F or 31F, or consent of coordinator.
3 units, Spr (Cellinese, A)
ITALLANG 113. Italian Cultural Studies
Literature, news reports, comic books, film reviews, music lyrics, and sociological surveys used to examine Italy's language, culture, and society today. Advanced grammatical analysis and reading comprehension. Prerequisite: second-year Italian or consent of coordinator.
3-4 units, Aut (Gelmetti, S)
ITALLANG 114. Advanced Stylistics and Composition
Goal is proficiency in written and spoken Italian. Literary and non-literary texts with textual and grammatical analysis, oral reports, translations, and weekly writing assignments. Prerequisite: second-year Italian or consent of coordinator.
3-4 units, Win (Baldocchi, M)
ITALLANG 115. Academic and Creative Writing
Continuation of 114. Academic prose: formal structures and academic terminology. Creative prose: short stories, expressive language, and when and how to break the rules for effect. Prerequisite: second-year Italian or consent of coordinator. WIM
3-4 units, Spr (Baldocchi, M)
ITALLANG 126. Italy and Italians Today
May be repeated once for credit.
2 units, Aut (Coggeshall, E), Win (Coggeshall, E), Spr (Coggeshall, E)
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